Description of Request

Submitted By: University Facilities Management

University Facilities Management is preparing for upcoming development along 7th Avenue for future academic facilities to support the University's mission. The entire Facilities operation, including Work Control and campus trades functions, will be relocated, and consolidated to make way for new building construction. Faculty Court has been identified as the new location for these operations; therefore, Campus Planning has inventoried space within Faculty Court and the Records Management Building and has been working with each occupant to identify relocation opportunities.
University Police Department (UPD) requires space to house their MILO Range use of force and firearms simulator, an interactive video and graphics training simulation system. Minimum room dimensions required are 23ft x 20ft, but recommended room dimensions are 35ft x 30ft. This system and its use will generate some noise as it includes both surround and directional sound to enhance the realism of the scenarios. Officers will also engage the scenarios with real world commands just as they would on any scene today. Having a small adjacent space to cover classroom topics prior to scenario engagement would also be a plus. The southernmost bay in the Plew Building is a large garage bay that has enough ceiling clearance to accommodate the simulator. A few minor adjustments will need to be made, including installing light blocking shades and a door lock, but this location is ideal because of its security and size. The current E-Waste operations that occur in that space are being relocated elsewhere within the Plew building.


Date: April 7, 2023

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of the south garage bay of the Plew Building for use by UPD for the force simulator.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105