Description of Request

Submitted By: Hilary Becker, Director of Health Professions Advising

Health Professions Advising (HPA) has seen a rising number of students in pre-health programs, which has resulted in an increased demand for professional advising and support services offered by their office. Currently, HPA serves approximately 1200 students per year. Their current space allocation includes a small office in Leon Johnson Hall room 308 that is shared by an advisor and a support staff member, and serves as supply storage and copy room. This space is too small to accommodate both staff and supplies, and is not conducive for staff to hold simultaneous meetings with perspective students and their parents. Additionally, Leon Johnson 310 is a conference room that serves as HPA’s peer mentoring space and resource center. Peer advisors occupy the space Monday-Friday for an average of 6 hours per day, in addition to hosting weekly peer advising meetings, student study sessions (entrance exam preparation etc.), Bounty of the Bridgers pick-up location etc. Additionally, when prospective health programs visit MSU and hold drop-in questions/answer sessions, they take place in this space. Staff proposes relocating the Health Professions Advising offices into vacant space on the 3rd floor of Culbertson to help support the growth of the program and its services. Culbertson 318 and 320 will serve as private offices for the Director and incoming Assistant Director, and a larger office in room 328 will accommodate the advisor and support staff as well as various office equipment and supplies. Culbertson 324 will serve as a student resource center and peer mentoring/meeting space. If granted, HPA would vacate two offices and a conference room space in Leon Johnson Hall.


Date: April 7, 2023

Space Management Committee has approved the allocation of Culbertson 318, 320, 324 and 328 for use by Health Professions Advising.

Space Planning & Management
Sixth Avenue and Grant Street
Montana State University
Bozeman, MT 59717

Planning Manager:
Richard Rudnicki
Tel: (406)994-5560

Space Planner:
Alisha Downs
Tel: (406)994-4105