MSSE Additional Storage: Reid Hall 004
Description of Request
Submitted By: Holly Thompson, MSSE
The Masters of Science in Science Education (MSSE) department currently occupies the storage room space in 004A in the basement of Reid Hall, which was allocated by the Space Management Committee in February of this year. The program has since accumulated additional field course and lab equipment over the summer and needs additional space. Equipment that needs to be stored includes, but is not limited to, tents, sleeping pads, wetsuits and waders, plaster for paleontology courses, coolers, and miscellaneous camping equipment. MSSE is requesting to expand their storage footprint to include into room 004A, as the space shares the same locked door entry as 004A and is currently vacant.
Date: November 5, 2021
The Space Management Committee approved the allocation of additional storage in Reid 004 to the MSSE program to support the program's growth.