Department of Electrical and Computer Engineering
Montana State University

EE477:  Digital Signal Processing

Spring Semester 2004
Section 1 (CRN 32200), Mon., Wed., and Fri., 10:00-10:50AM, CobH 632
LAB:  Section 2 (CRN 32201), Thursday 11:00-12:00PM, CobH 601 (LAB)

Prof. Robert C. Maher

529 Cobleigh Hall (southwest corner of 5th floor)


Office:  994-7759
Research Lab:  994-6575 (Faculty Court Unit 21)
Home:  587-5925 (but please do not call me at home)


Class Page:


Office hours:

Monday: 11AM-noon,
Thursday: 10-11AM,
Friday:  11AM-noon,     or by appointment.
Drop-in questions at other times are always OK if my office door is open.

Textbooks and Materials
1.  DSP First: A Multimedia Approach, McClellan, Schafer, and Yoder, Prentice-Hall, 1998.  Please put your name in your textbook in case the book is misplaced.
2. The textbook contains a CDROM that contains labs 1-10 that we will be using in the course.  It is expected that you will print out and read these labs before coming to the laboratory.  
3.  Two 1.44 MB 3.5 floppies (or zip disks) for the labs (One to store your programs & the other to turn in for programming assignments). Please put your name on the floppy disk or zip disk you turn in!
Class Objectives
To produce graduates who understand how to analyze and manipulate digital signals and have the fundamental programming knowledge to do so.
Course Outcomes
At the conclusion of EE 477, students will:
  • Describe the Sampling Theorem and how this relates to Aliasing and Folding.
  • Determine if a system is a Linear Time-Invariant (LTI) System.
  • Be able to take the Z-transform of a LTI system
  • Determine the frequency response of FIR and IIR filters.
  • Understand the relationship between poles, zeros, and stability.
  • Determine the spectrum of a signal using the DFT, FFT, and spectrogram.
  • Be able to design, analyze, and implement digital filters in Matlab.
  • Be able to implement filters on a digital signal processor.
Class Outline (subject to change)

Lab Schedule (subject to change)

1) Thu      Jan 15   - Introduction to Matlab
2) Thu      Jan 22   - Introduction to Complex Exponentials
3) Thu      Jan 29   - Synthesis of Sinusoidal Signals
4) Thu      Feb   5   - AM and FM Sinusoidal Signals
5) Thu      Feb 12   - FIR Filtering of Sinusoidal Waveforms
6) Thu      Feb 19   - Filtering Sampled Waveforms
7) Thu      Feb 26   - Everyday Sinusoidal Signals
8) Thu      Mar  4   - Filtering and Edge Detection of Images
9) Thu      Mar 11  - Sampling and Zooming of Images

Thu      Mar 18 - No Lab (Spring Break)

10) Thu      Mar 25  - The z, n, and w Domains
11) Thu      Apr  1   - Intro to VisualDSP
12) Thu      Apr  8   - DSP Hardware - Synthesizing Waveforms
13) Thu      Apr 15  - DSP Hardware - FIR Filters
14) Thu      Apr 22  - DSP Hardware - IIR Filters
15) Thu      Apr 29  - DSP Hardware - FFT

Course Grading:

Homework: 15%

→ Homework will be required periodically.  Homework is due on the due date at the BEGINNING of class.  No late homework will be accepted.

Lab Reports: 20%

→ Lab reports are due no later than the BEGINNING of the next week's lab session, unless otherwise announced.  No late lab reports will be accepted.

Exam 1: 20%

→ Written in-class exam given late in February.

Exam 2: 20%

→ Written in-class exam given early in April.

Final Exam:      25%

→ The cumulative final exam is:
TUESDAY, MAY 4, 2004 (8-9:50AM).



A course grade of F will be given if the student does not attend both midterm exams and the final exam. Grade guarantee:  course letter grades may be higher (but will not be lower) than indicated by the following scale:
A- = 90%
B- = 80%
C- = 70%
D = 60%
F = 59%
