Find Funding
The Proposal Services Office is available to assist faculty and graduate students with registration for funding databases and to provide tutorials in identifying possible sources of funding. These may be in the form of research grants, collaborative activities, travel, curriculum development, conference support, fellowships, post-doc positions, equipment acquisition, operating or capital expenses, and more.
Sources for Funding

InfoEd Funding Database
To sign up for SPIN, users will need to either access SPIN anonymously or create an authenticated account. To create an authenticated account, please follow these instructions: Click here to open SPIN Quick Start Guide in a new window (PDF).

Research Funding Opportunities
On a weekly basis, a list of funding opportunities is selected for their relevance to faculty research agendas and emailed to the funding opportunities listserv. These opportunities include state, federal, foundation, limited submissions, and internal opportunities. Visit the link provided or email us at to sign up for our listserv.

Private Sources
This page provides links to the most common private funding agencies. These are the organizations that provide the most substantial support for scholarly activities at Montana State or have the potential to in the future. Register for the organizational newsletter to receive the most up-to-date information on future and current funding, policy changes, and funding priorities.
Available online or email:
NIH Guide - weekly
NIH Extramural Nexus - news, updates and blog posts on extramural grant policies, processes, events and resources
National Science Foundation Update - daily
EPA National Center for Environmental Research
Humanities Magazine - National Endowment for the Humanities - bimonthly
Humanities Montana - monthly
National Endowment for the Arts - monthly
Agency for Healthcare Research & Quality - monthly
Department of Education - daily
USDA National Institute of Food and Agriculture - bi-weekly
The Grantsmanship Center magazine - quarterly
Philanthropy News Digest - monthly
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