NSF Project Reporting Reminders
Updated June 28, 2021

The Annual Project Report (APR) The Annual Project report (APR) is due during the 90 days prior to the end of the The Principal Investigator (PI), Co-PIs, and Sponsored Program Officials associated with the award receive E-mail notifications every 30 Days during the 90 days preceding the end of the current budget period. |
APRs become overdue APRs become overdue at the end of the budget period (e.g., Year 1 of a Standard NSF Grant) Timely submission of the APR is required by NSF Research Terms and Conditions, NSF Grant General Conditions, and NSF Cooperative Agreement Financial & Administrative Terms and Conditions (CA-FATC). Reports are considered due until the cognizant NSF Program Officer approves the report. |
The Final Project Report (FPR) The Final Project Report (FPR), which is the final APR of the project, and Project |
Overdue Project Reports Overdue Project Reports will delay additional funding |