The Research Alliance is a consortium of units across campus that includes the Office of Research Development, the Center for Faculty Excellence, the MSU Library, Research Cyberinfrastructure, and the Undergraduate Scholars Program working together to support and increase the excellence of the university's research enterprise. We offer to connect you with services that support your researchand creative practice throughout your research and teaching lifecycles.

Graphic showing the research alliance lifecycle, partner unit roles, and the partners which include the Office of Research Development, the Center for Faculty Excellence, Research Cyberinfrastructure, and the MSU Library

Services and Activities of the Research Alliance

  • Planning and Proposal Development – finding funding opportunities, proposal development, submitting a proposal, individual development plans for retention, tenure and promotion. 
  • Project Implementation and Leadership – technology, equipment and tools, data management and visualization, research integrity, managing teams and budgets, grants management, collaborating across disciplines, mentoring, outreach and community engagement 
  • Publication/Presentation – writing groups; where to publish; outreach/research impact; creating retention, tenure and promotion dossiers 
  • Preserve/Disseminate – Data sharing, data curation, open access repositories 
  • Measuring Impact/Putting into Practice – evaluation, outreach and community engagement 
  • New Ideas – connecting researchers - faculty, students and staff - across disciplines, networking and ideation sessions, idea development


Undergraduate student research opportunities

Undergraduate Research enhances learning by providing hands-on opportunities to apply skills and knowledge learned in the classroom, and engages students in creative thinking and problem solving. Through this "learning-by-doing" model, undergraduate research provides excellent experience for students, whether they are preparing for graduate school or seeking employment in a professional field.



Graduate student research supportThe Office of Research Development – in partnership with the Writing Center – is pleased to support in Fall 2023 a student-focused proposal workshop series dedicated to the prestigious NSF Graduate Research Fellowship Program (GRFP).

MSU GRFP Writing Workshops
Wednesdays, 4 -5 pm
August 23rd - October 11th