Healthcare image

Understanding challenges within the U.S. healthcare system and the potential effects of policies and regulations designed to address them

A conference sponsored by the Montana State University Initiative for Regulation and Applied Economic Analysis
April 5-6, 2018 | Montana State University, Bozeman, MT
Free and open to the public 



Dramatic changes in technology and innovation, evolving demographics and delivery models, and changes in federal and state healthcare policy regulation have put the United States healthcare system at a crossroads. 



Keynote Lecture: April 5, Linfield Hall 125, 6-7 p.m.

“Making Competition in the Healthcare Sector Work: What Would It Take?” 

 James Capretta, American Enterprise Institute, Resident Fellow and Milton Friedman Chair 

Moderated Q&A with Vincent Smith, IRAEA Co-Director 


Conference Sessions: April 6, Procrastinator Theater, Room 237 Strand Union Building, 8:30 a.m. to 5 p.m.


    • Welcome: Wendy Stock, Co-Director, IRAEA
    • Conference Overview: Stephen Parente, University of Minnesota

    • Session 1: Consumer-Centric Healthcare

      • Presenter: Lucy X. Liu, Health and Life Sciences at Oliver Wyman: Complexity & Opportunity: Health Consumer Worries & Wants
      • National-level expert: David Auerbach, Massachusetts Health Policy Commission
      • Local-level expert: Bryce Ward, MT Bureau of Business and Economic Research: Health care delivery in Montana: Can consumercentrism move us closer to the ideal?

    • Session 2: Evolving Federal Healthcare Policy
      • Presenter: Arnold Epstein, Harvard School of Public Health: Delivery System Reform: The ACA and Beyond
      • National-level expert: James Capretta, American Enterprise Institute
      • Local-level expert: Lander Cooney, CEO, Community Health Partners: Community Health, Gallatin County

    • Session 3: Enhancing Behavioral Health Integration
      • Presenter: Angela Beck, Director, University of Michigan Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center: Preparing the Workforce for Behavioral Health Integration
      • National-level expert: Claire Brindis, Director, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California-San Francisco: Behavioral Health Integration: Promising Models and Opportunities
      • Local-level expert: Earl Sutherland, Chief of Clinical Operations, Big Horn Valley Health Center, Hardin, MT

    • Lunch, Ballroom A 
      • Speaker: Jay Bhattacharya, Director, Center on the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging, Stanford University: MACRA, the End of Fee-for-Service, and the Future of Medicine
      • Presentation: “Share-out from Bozeman’s Elevating Behavioral Health Community Collaboration," Vickie Groeneweg, Chief Nursing Officer, Bozeman Health 
    • Session 4: Promoting Community Health
      • Presenter: Claire Brindis, Director, Philip R. Lee Institute for Health Policy Studies, University of California-San Francisco: Community Health: Fulfilling a Vision for Improving the Public’s Health
      • National-level expert: Arnold Epstein, Harvard School of Public Health: Health and Social Spending
      • Local-level expert: Matt Kelley, Gallatin City-County Board of Health: Community Health: One Local Perspective 

    • Session 5: Ensuring Healthcare for Aging and Vulnerable Populations
      • Presenter: Karen Donelan, Harvard Medical School and Massachusetts General Hospital: Caring for an Aging Population
      • National-level expert: Jay Bhattacharya, Director, Center on the Demography and Economics of Health and Aging, Stanford University: Longevity and Public Finance
      • Local-level expert: Renee Reijo Pera, Vice President of Research and Economic Development, Montana State University: Aging and Longevity in Montana

    • Session 6: Maintaining a Robust Healthcare Workforce
      • Presenter: David Auerbach, Massachusetts Health Policy Commission: The robustness of the healthcare workforce
      • National-level expert: Angela Beck, University of Michigan Behavioral Health Workforce Research Center: Robustness of the Behavioral Health Workforce
      • Local-level expert: Peter Buerhaus, Director, Center for Interdisciplinary Health Workforce Studies, Montana State University: When will winter end?  Another storm seems to be brewing … in the nursing workforce 

    • Conference Wrap Up and Reflections: Presenter, Jon Skinner, Dartmouth College


For more information: Co-Directors Vince Smith and Wendy Stock