
deadline: August 15, 2023

Is your small business or organization taking environmentally responsible steps to reduce solid and hazardous waste, maximize efficiencies, conserve energy and water, improve air quality and create a more sustainable business model?

Does your work focus on creating a more environmentally sustainable community?

The EcoStar Awards Program can give your business the public recognition you deserve!


What does the EcoStar Award include?

If your business is taking environmentally responsible steps to reduce waste and maximize efficiency here is how the EcoStar Awards Program can give you the public recognition you deserve:

  • EcoStars are honored by the Governor at an awards ceremony at the Capitol in Helena.
  • EcoStars are featured in press releases distributed to newspapers, magazines and trade publications statewide.
  • EcoStars receive a plaque of recognition; window decals; printed color table display cards for use in waiting rooms, cashier points and other locations; and a camera-ready copy of the EcoStar logo for use in company advertising.

Renewal- EcoStar recognition is valid for one year from the time of award. Recognition is renewable, but businesses must reapply each year and show progress in pollution prevention.

Case Studies- Information provided on the application may be used in the development of case studies and other educational materials for peer businesses. Information will not be used without written permission from the applicant.

How can my business or organization earn EcoStar status?

Montana small businesses or organizations can earn an EcoStar award by demonstrating achievement and/or offering education in waste reduction, energy conservation, and/or water conservation within the past year. Below are some of the environmentally responsible steps you can take to improve the performance of your business:

  • Conserving Energy
  • Using Less Hazardous Products
  • Purchasing Products in Bulk
  • Reusing Products
  • Training Employees
  • Conserving Water
  • Reducing Packaging
  • Solvent Distillation
  • Recycling
  • Inventory Control

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Why does it make good business sense to become an EcoStar?

How much money could your business save if your material use was cut by 35-50%? How much money could your business save by changing one of your processes? What if you could use one of your waste streams to heat your building? What if you made these changes, saved money, and reduced your regulatory requirements, all at the same time?

The bottom line is that most of the pollution prevention achievements that will earn you anEcoStar Award will also save you money.

Here are some other business benefits to becoming anEcoStar:

      • Gain a Competitive Advantage
      • Attract New Customers
      • Enhance Customer Loyalty
      • Increase Employee Morale

How are winners chosen?

The EcoStar awards program challenges you to keep improving your business' environmental performance every year. The EcoStar award may give you a competitive advantage, but you don't have to compete with other businesses to be a winner. All you have to do is show that in the last year your business has made improvements in reducing solid and hazardous waste, conserving energy and water, or improving air quality.

The Montana Pollution Prevention Program will judge your application based on:

  • Commitment to waste reduction
  • Environmental benefits achieved and waste prevented
  • Innovation of waste reduction activities

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What do past winners say?

"Thank you for all your efforts in the Ecostar program. The ceremony was outstanding. It was great to get the chance to learn more about what is happening in Montana and be able to visit with the other winners. The governor’s comments were perfect for the occasion. Thanks again!!" - Brian Patrick, Superintendent, Townsend K12 School District

"What wonderful coverage we got today in our hometown newspaper! This coverage really helps to give legitimacy and recognition to our programs and students. It will go a long way toward helping us jump over whatever hurdles are next in our path, as we try to keep our club and our class solid." - Jill Van Alstyne, Teacher, Helena High Green Group

"The EcoStar Program has really propelled interest by our employees to go further in cutting our waste. Our customers have taken a real interest in what we're doing now." - Mark Miller, Imperial Dry Cleaners, Kalispell

"This program is a great idea because it raises awareness with our customers. A lot of people saw the article in the paper. It is nice to finally be recognized for the things we do to conserve." - Sharon Francisco, Sportsman Club, Columbia Falls

"If it hadn't been for your program, I probably wouldn't have been in the frame of mind to make all these changes." - Bob Wolf, Garlick Helicopters, Hamilton

"We value the EcoStar designation. A lot of customers have commented favorably about our EcoStar status, and I like having something over our competitors." - Dan Burkhart, The Stillwater Lodge, Absarokee

How do I apply?

Eligibility Criteria:

Any Montana business, institution, non-profit etc., can earn an EcoStar award by demonstrating achievement in waste reduction, energy conservation, and/or water conservation within the past year. There is no charge for participating in this program. Montana small businesses or organizations are eligible for EcoStar recognition if they meet the following criteria:

      • Located in Montana.
      • In compliance with all environmental regulations at the time of application.
      • Taken steps to go beyond minimum state and federal standards.

Application Procedure:

Fill in the form below and email to

EcoStar Application (online)

     *Note: The online application cannot be saved. 

Ecostar Application (download/print)

Be as thorough as possible. Applications are judged individually according to your specific waste streams and level of commitment to pollution prevention. Pollution prevention and material reuse activities are rated higher than recycling, pollution control, and treatment.


Please utilize the following EPA P2 measurement tools:


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How do I nominate  a business?

Do you know a Montana small business that is taking environmentally friendly steps to reduce waste and maximize efficiency?

Help them get the public recognition they deserve. Nominate them for an EcoStar Award!

The EcoStar Program rewards Montana small businesses and organizations that have taken the initiative to reduce solid and hazardous waste, conserve energy and water, and improve air quality. There is no charge for participating in this program.

Here's how the EcoStar Awards Program gives eligible businesses and organizations the public recognition they deserve:

  • EcoStars are featured in press releases distributed to newspapers, magazines and trade publications statewide.
  • EcoStars receive a plaque of recognition, window decals, a camera-ready copy of the EcoStar logo for use in company advertising, as well as printed color table display card for use in waiting rooms, cashier points, and other locations.


Simply print the nomination form. Fill it out and fax, mail, or e-mail it to the address listed below by August 15, 2023.

The Montana Pollution Prevention Program will notify the business of their nomination and request additional information from the business.

We thank you for your help in getting Montana businesses the recognition and public thanks they deserve.


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For more EcoStar information and/or an application, please contact:

Jenny Grossenbacher, Director
Montana Pollution Prevention Program
Montana Institue on Ecosystems
304 Taylor Hall

Bozeman, MT 59717
Office: (406) 994-4292
Fax: (406) 994-5417

2021 Ecostars

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