Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:
Kristin Blackler
Terry Leist
Becca Belou
Michael Brody
Rob Maher
Jen Brown
Jason Clark
Susan Raph
Ariel Donohue
David Eitle
Logan Schultz
Megan Lasso
Chris Fastnow
Omar Shrehyar
Craig Ogilvie
Nic Fitzmaurice
Jim Zimpel
Nika Stoop
Stephanie Gray
Matt Caires (for Kearns)
Steve Swinford
Katie Ivester
Ryan Knutson
Jennifer Lachoweic


  1. Welcome and announcements
    1. No announcements
  2. Approval of minutes from 8/25/21 – adopted
  3. Discussion
    1. Update on Action 2.2.4 - Nika Stoop and Jen Brown, Research Capacity Team
      1. The President appointed the Research Capacity Team (RCT), a Center for Faculty Excellence advisory group, to review action on enhancing interdisciplinary scholarship.
      2. The recommendations the RCT include the following:
        1. Connecting scholars across disciplines and research development
        2. Developing policies and recognition for interdisciplinary scholarship
        3. Optimizing organizational structure and physical space
      3. Discussion included how to involve the Faculty Affairs Committee of Faculty Senate in the conversation more broadly, how interdisciplinary research is incorporated in workload, how to connect faculty across disciplines to encourage both research and teaching, utilizing the Academic Analytics networks tool, the resources needed to allow this work, including this work in RTP role and scopes as an option.
    2. Fall Enrollment Update
      1. Total enrollment for Fall 2021 is 16,841. Graduate student enrollment is at a record at 2,173. Gallatin College is at a record enrollment, and traditionally underserved students of all races and ethnicities are up in all categories.
  4. Other business - none
  5. Public comment - none
    1. Robert Putnam Lecture on October 1st at Parent & Family Weekend
    2. Ethics Symposium on October 14th

Download a PDF copy of these minutes.