Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Cati Carmody

Bradford Watson

Becca Belou
Jason Clark
Chelsey Wilson
Kristin Blackler
Tracy Dougher
Miranda Bly
David Eitle
Dominic Corradino
Chris Fastnow
Adam Edelman
Stephanie Gray
Nicholas Fitzmaurice
Katie Ivester
Ian Godwin
Chris Kearns
Julia Haggerty
Rebecca Koltz
John How
Terry Leist
Paul Lachapelle
Rob Maher
Megan Lasso
JoDee Palin
Raye Myers
Susan Raph
Richard Rudnicki
Logan Schultz
Megan Stone
Colin Shaw
Steve Swinford


  1. Welcome and announcements
    1. Chris Fastnow thanked the members who are at the end of their terms.
  2. Approval of minutes from 3/24/21 – adopted
  3. Discussion
    1. Student Research Team presentation (Blackler and Haggerty)
      1. Julia Haggerty, chair of the Sustainability Advisory Council, introduced some of the students from the 8-student group that worked on research for the climate action plan.
      2. Students Nicholas Fitzmaurice, Dominic Corradino, and Megan Stone gave a presentation on the report they put together to inform the new climate action plan. Research focused on universities similar to Montana State.
      3. The report can be found at:
    1. Priority goal discussion
      1. Chris Fastnow showed the results of the straw poll from the minutes of the last meeting and opened the floor for discussion of the results.
      2. Members discussed whether to combine some goals, what their constituencies indicated were priorities, and whether they could live with the top three in the straw poll (1.1, 2.4, 3.3).
      3. The consensus was that everyone was happy with these three choices for prioritization.
      4. Fastnow summarized Planning Council’s previous discussions about each goal.
        1. When we have talked about goal 1.1 and underserved populations and excellence in education for all, we discussed disparate impacts of the pandemic, disparate needs of different populations, prerequisites and corequisites, and costs. She asked the group if anything else should be added.
          1. Rob Maher added the effects of the pandemic on high-school students and what supports they will need if they take  a gap year or two.
          2. Cati Carmody mentioned uneven progress on targets.
        2. Goal 3.3 discussions included compensation, collaboration, wellness, supporting the whole person, adding student wellness, the climate action plan, diversity and inclusion planning and success, and infrastructure for inclusivity and diversity.
        3. Goal 2.4: Helping our faculty and student researchers be as successful as possible.
        4. Chris Fastnow will draft a memo and share it with the group via email within the next week. Homework will be to give her feedback on it. Then she will share it with the president, who will share it with her Executive Team, and hopefully, they will endorse it. Then it will be presented to University Council. 
  1. Other business - Chris Fastnow thanked the group for being so stalwart this past year
  2. Public comment - none

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