Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Michael Brody for Eric Austin

Terry Leist

Dean Adams
Jason Clark
Rob Maher
Becca Belou
Tracy Dougher
Rachel Schmidt
Miranda Bly
David Eitle
Logan Schultz
Ariel Donohue
Chris Fastnow
Colin Shaw
Ian Godwin
Ann Galloway
Christine Stanton
John How
Stephanie Gray
Megan Lasso
Chris Kearns
Craig Ogilvie


  1. Welcome and announcements
  2. Approval of minutes from February 26th - approved
  3. Discussion
    1. Environmental scan from Planning Council members
      1. Consider who (audience) and how we might best provide service.
      2. What we do well as a campus and how those things might change?
      3. Ariel Donohue sees opportunity with the opening of the American Indian Hall and opportunities for embracing goals around American Indian enrollment. She has concerns over the impacts of COVID and the election year on underrepresented students and the campus climate.
    2. Short-term planning:  We are in the midst of pivoting from crisis mode to short term planning. What do different parts of campus, like Auxiliary Services and Facilities, have to do to accommodate social distancing? The Academic Continuity and Contingency Planning Task Force is looking at these complications:
      1. Fall registration and course offerings
        1. Complete on-campus student presence;
        2. Completely online; or
        3. A blend of on-campus presence with online courses
      2. Final exam administration
      3. Writing and math placement
      4. Summer courses
      5. Teaching contracts and faculty training
      6. Tuition options

Planning Council’s role will be to review these plans in small chunks as they come out.

IV. Other business

Next meeting:  May 27, 1:00-2:00 p.m., WebEx


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.