Members Present:
Members Present:
Others Present:

Dean Adams

Terry Leist

Rebecca Belou
Eric Austin
Rob Maher
Tami Eitle
Deb Barkley
Kasia Maison

John How

Chris Fastnow
Adam Edelman (for Sheehan)
Abbie Richards
Stephanie Gray
Christine Stanton
Myleen Leary


I. Welcome and Announcements

A.  Council on Councils on April 3, 2019 from 10:15 AM - 1:00 PM in Ballroom B, Strand Union Building

B.  Kirkland lecture on March 7, 219 at 6:00 PM in Inspiration Hall

II. Approval of Minutes from 1/23 - adopted

III. Discussion:

A.  Year One NWCCU report draft – Tami Eitle

1.  Draft addresses Standard 1 and remaining concern about measurement and assessment of Core Themes. Standard I defines mission fulfillment.

2.  MSU Core Themes Committee proposed – wide representation, receives reports on assessment from model programs identified, address assessment of areas of intentional focus in the strategic plan (adopted as our Core Themes), incorporates qualitative measures in addition to SP metrics

3.  BOR will vote on mission and themes at their next meeting

4.  Report will be posted online at

5.  Standards likely to change in this cycle to focus even more on learning assessment

B.  Joint planning sessions – dates and content

1.  March 6, 2019 from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

2.  March 15, 2019 from 8:00 AM – 12:00 PM

3.  March 26, 2019 from 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM

4.  Each session will take unit and college-level strategic planning committees through a series of exercises that mimic the first few steps in the self-study template, including stakeholder analysis and a sample alignment practice. These will serve as a kickstart and template for each unit undergoing strategic plan alignment with Choosing Promise.

5.  PC members encouraged to attend one or more sessions

6.  Discussion followed about generating buy-in for the alignment process, focusing on resource requests and assessment of outcomes

C.  Subgroups for SP planning-related action items

1.  The Council reviewed draft lists of suggested participants to do some follow-on planning specified in the SP. Fastnow will send the document for futher review before drafting lists to recommend to the President.

IV.  Other business - none

Next meeting: March 27, 1-3 pm, Montana Room


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