Members Present
Members Present
Others Present

Dean Adams

Terry Leist

Kathy Attebury

Chris Fastnow

Sara Mannheimer

Tami Eitle

Keely Holmes

Christine Stanton

Ian Godwin
Bridget Kevane
Shawn Hudson


I.  Welcome and announcements

A.  Ian Godwin updated the group on the progress of Graduate Program Prioritization, including work on metrics to collect and report annually

B.  College of Arts and Architecture is developing a strategic plan this spring

C.  Library is targeting completion of their strategic plan at end of February

II.  Minutes from 9/27/17 and 11/29/17 were approved.

III.  Discussion

A.  Strategic Planning Update – Chris Fastnow updated the Council on the Strategic Planning Committee’s work to date and invited them to respond to the draft language on mission, vision, and principles that will be proposed later in the month and posted to the SPC website.

B.  SP Objective Prioritization Process for FY20

1.  Timeline development: Council will discuss inputs to the objective prioritization process through April, propose a short list to review in April, with Council recommendations in May.

2.  Information needs: Council developed a list of documents, topics, and potential guest presenters to address several objective areas, including interdisciplinarity, assessment and outcomes, diversity, retention, scholarship, and graduate education. OPA will assemble documents for the Council to review and coordinate guest presentations.

C.  Stewardship Goal Progress Report – postponed to February meeting

IV.  Other Business - None

Next Meeting: February 28, 1-3 pm, PCR


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