Members Present
Members Present
Others Present

Chris Fastnow

Myleen Leary

Mike Babcock (Wilmer)
Walt Banziger
Ilse-Marie Lee
Rebecca Belou
Carmen Byker-Shanks
Terry Leist
Jeanne Marie Callahan
Stephanie Grey
Christopher Livingston
Adam Edelman (Sheehan)
Wade Hill
Sara Mannheimer
Tami Eitle
Keely Holmes
Brendan Mumey
Ian Godwin
Jake Kaminetsky
Nora Smith
Eric Lopez
Bridget Kevane


I.  Welcome and announcements

II.  Approval of November minutes - approved

III.  Review of the University Council report for January – Learning

The Council reviewed the learning goal report from the January UC meeting, paying special attention to the metrics in L.3 – post-graduation employment and graduate school enrollment.

IV.  Diversity planning update and integration with strategic planning process – Eric Lopez, ACE Fellow

V.  Eric Lopez reviewed progress to date on the diversity planning effort and previewed the second summit scheduled for Feb 2.  Participants will see a draft that revises the current university statement on diversity and will identify goals, strategies, challenges, and opportunities.  The diversity planning team desires a plan template by the end of the Spring semester.  There is a diversity website up and running that lists diversity-related events.  Additions to the event listing are encouraged.[BROKEN LINK]

VI.  Budget Model Review – Terry Leist and Kathy Attebury

Kathy Attebury reviewed the model used to make budget allocations for FY17, defining the drivers and projections used in each area.  She also handed out a summary of the outcomes – what the model would have allocated with unlimited funds, what the actual allocations were within budget constraints, and additional investments made outside of the model.  The expectations for FY18 are similar – no major changes to the model, earlier timeline for budget development, waiting on the legislative session and the May Board of Regents meeting to know what the final overall budget will be.  Discussion ensued.

VII.  Discussion: Communication plan

Chris led the Council through a draft communication plan for the next strategic planning effort to begin in earnest in Fall 2017.  The revised document is attached to the minutes.  Council members are encouraged to continue to edit this document.

VIII.  Discussion (if time): FY 19 Prioritization timeline – reserved for February meeting

IX.  Volunteers needed for RFP – please let Chris know if you want to serve here.

X.  Other Business - none

Next Meeting: March 1, 2017, 1-2 pm Bradley Conference Room


Download a PDF copy of these minutes.