1. PAAC to continue to send MSU art inventory information to Courtney Johnson
  2. Royce Smith to research the policies regarding the acquisition of student art and the legality of the ownership
  3. Melissa Ragain to extend the deadline on Harrison Hall art submission and re-post the call for submissions
  4. Richard Rudnicki to create a draft of the procedural policy which outlines the steps for creating and advertising a Call for Artists, choosing locations for art, determining funding, and the review and approvals process
  5. PAAC to vote via email on the updated Wellness Center Art – Funding and Acquisition policy (Proposal approved)
  6. Send comments on the location for the pieces of the final selected artists to Courtney Johnson
  7. Olivia Hayes to reschedule the meeting currently on the 19th of March (Complete)


  1. Cindy Bowker – Art Donation 1 – Richard Rudnicki
  2. Cindy Bowker – Art Donation 2 – Richard Rudnicki
  3. BAC Art – Artists Ivan Navarro and Courtney Smith – Richard Rudnicki
  4. Potential New Meeting Times:
    1. First Monday of the month (May 3)