Freezer Replacement Rebate
This rebate provides $3,000 to $5,000 towards the replacement of inefficient ULT freezers with a new highly efficient ULT freezer. This rebate combines the freezer recycle rebate with the new freezer rebate plus an additional money incentive. Proof of purchase of a new freezer and proof of recycling of an inefficient freezer is required.
Freezer Replacement Rebate instructions:
- To qualify for this rebate, you must replace and recycle an exisiting ULT freezer. The new freezer must be purchased from the eligible freezer list.
- If you purchase a Fisher Scientific ULT freezer, MSU will recycle your existing ULT freezer.
- If you purchase an Avanto/VWR ULT freezer, MSU will recycle your existing ULT freezer.
- This program is only applicable to ULT freezers; ordinary refrigerators and freezers are not eligible for this program. Eligible freezers must be installed in/recycled from university-owned and/or operated properties.
- Fill out all required information and attach all required documentation.
- The principal investigator will be responsible for the decontamination of the ULT freezer and an Equipment Decontamination Certificate will be required before freezer is recycled.
denotes required fields.