Recruiting Requirements

Subject recruitment methods and materials may include such avenues as a poster, flyer, in-class verbal introductions, email, website, social media post, postal mail, traditional media (TV, newspaper, radio), subject or recruitment pool, or word of mouth. 

Recruiting is considered to be a separate step from consenting. Recruiting gives a brief amount of information to build interest and draw potential subjects to your research doorstep, to be followed by the Consent Form, which provides the full details to be considered. 


  1. List your MSU IRB Protocol # on all recruiting materials - this is required by the IRB. You can determine your # as soon as you begin your protocol application. The MSU IRB Protocol # consists of the year approved and the TOPAZ reference # found at the top of your application after initial save (you can locate your reference # immediately during the application process and no longer need to wait until approval). Example phrasing to show on recruiting materials: IRB Protocol #2024-3688. This adds legitimacy to your recruitment as well as a quick reference should any questions come up regarding the research project. 
  2. When targeting a specific entity for subjects or conducting research onsite of a specific entity (e.g., teachers at X school, athletes of the X MSU team, employees of X company, clients of X nonprofit): Request permission from the entity to confirm agreement and willingness to participate in MSU research. Attach this documentation in your TOPAZ application in the Other Entity Involvement section. Broader or non-specific subject populations do not require such permissions. 
  3. For on-campus posting of physical materials, check with the building manager and/or department located in MSU buildings to obtain permission prior to posting. Departments can direct you to appropriate posting areas.
  4. Post on public bulletin boards.
  5. Submit your research opportunity to be listed in the MSU Today circulation.
  6. Check with a faculty member to obtain permission to post on their office door.


  1. Start recruiting until your IRB Exemption or Approval has been issued. This includes publishing the call for subjects online or in print, posting any advertising efforts, speaking with external media outlets, etc. For any external interview or media requests, researchers must work with University Communications in advance. These are requirements of the IRB. 
  2. Tape materials to windows, light poles, walls, or random doors.
  3. Leave solicitations on car windshields or laying on tables at the SUB.

Recruiting Resources