Subject: Student Success


Revised: April 2017, Spring 2023

Effective date: Fall 2023

Review date: Spring 2026

Responsible Party: Level I: UAAC/GAAC; Level II: Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Introduction and Purpose

Orientation is designed to assist with the transition of students into a campus, class, or clinical setting. Absence from orientation may compromise learning opportunities and jeopardize the clients' safety. Student attendance at the planned orientation conserves scarce resources.

Students with extraordinary status and wait-listed students can be placed when students do not attend, as per policy. These seats are valuable and competitive; if students do not attend the introduction to their courses/campus and clinical orientations, it is assumed they are vacating their seats. Students who miss the first week of classes and any orientations for the semester launch are missing important information related to their progression in courses and clinical.


Once each semester begins, students are required to attend the campus, class and clinical/lab orientations (hereafter, referred to as “orientation(s)”) arranged by faculty. If extraordinary circumstances defined as beyond the student's control (e.g., death in the family, serious illness, etc.) preclude the student's attendance at these orientations, assistance will be offered by the Campus Director as resources are available. The student will not be able to continue in the course if the necessary resources to make up the class/clinical orientation are unavailable or unwarranted. If the orientation cannot be made up, the student may be "dropped" from the course. The undergraduate student's progress in the program will then be based on available space through the Campus Placement Request process. An undergraduate student's placement will be determined according to Policy Application, Admissions, and Placement Into the College of Nursing Undergraduate Programs. Graduate students will be subject to The Graduate School policies.


The student will:

1. Anticipate attendance at all scheduled orientations.

2. Actively seek information about the time and place of these orientations.

3. Attend the scheduled orientation.

4. Inform the faculty member and/or Campus Director prior to the scheduled orientation if some circumstance beyond the student's control ( an extraordinary event) precludes attendance at the orientation.

The faculty member will:

1. Plan an orientation relevant to the specific campus/course/clinical/lab.

2. Inform students of the time, place, and expectations of the orientation.

3. Inform the Campus Director of any student's absence and discuss appropriate actions

in regard to the student's absence.

Internal Control Considerations, if applicable: 

Relevant MRJCON Policies:

  1. Application, Admissions, and Placement into the College of Nursing Undergraduate Programs.
  2. College of Nursing Scholastic Committee
  3. Professional Student Behavior