

Completion Deadlines

Tuberculosis Screening:


All nursing students are screened on admission for tuberculosis (TB)*


(Health care personnel with untreated LTBI should receive a yearly TB symptom screen to detect early evidence of TB disease and to evaluate the risks and benefits of LTBI treatment.) 

All incoming students are assessed for TB within 90 days of program admission, which includes a TB risk assessment and screening, and a TB test. TB testing will consist of either #1 or #2 below:

  1. TB skin test, two-step (two separate tests 7-21 days apart) testing should be conducted; OR
  2. TB blood tests QuantiFERON®- TB Gold In-Tube test (QFT-GIT) or the T-SPOT®.TB test (T-Spot)
  3. If positive results are identified to any of the above (#1 or #2), the student will submit documentation of adequate clearance to rule out TB disease (symptom evaluation and chest x-ray) from a medical provider into the clinical compliance tracker to be reviewed by the Associate Dean.

Known History of Tuberculosis: Students with a documented history of a prior positive TB test complete an individual TB risk assessment & screening form. Additionally, individuals with a prior positive TB test will submit documentation of adequate treatment and clearance from medical provider (should receive chest x-ray or provide documentation of a normal chest x-ray) into the clinical compliance tracker to be reviewed by the Associate Dean.

Annual TB Requirements- All students will complete annual TB prevention education and the TB Risk Assessment & Screening Form.           


  1. Students doing clinical at agencies that require annual TB testing will be notified by the Campus Directors to submit an annual TB skin test to the clinical compliance tracker.
  2. Students who travel internationally are identified through the TB Risk Assessment & Screening Form upon return to the US and submit a post travel TB Skin Test 12 weeks after.
  3. Testing Post Exposure: Students with known exposure to TB disease should receive a TB symptom screen and timely testing, if indicated.
  1. Health care personnel with a previous negative TB test result should be tested immediately and re-tested 8 to 10 weeks after the last known exposure with the same type of TB test.
  2. Health care personnel with a documented history of a positive TB test result do not need to be re-tested after exposure to TB. They should receive a TB symptom screen and if they have symptoms of TB, they should be evaluated for TB disease. 


Upon application as a 2-step test process—unless able to provide evidence of annual testing. 


*Students who have interrupted their placement for any reason must either show annual tests results while out of the program, or must submit to a new two-step testing process upon return.

Measles Mumps Rubella (MMR):


All students must provide evidence of adequate immunity.

  1. Students born in 1957 or later can be considered immune to Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR) only if they have one of the following:
    • Documentation of laboratory confirmation of disease
    • Proof of appropriate vaccination against MMR or MMRV: 
    • MMR: 2 doses of vaccines given on or after the first birthday and separated by 28 days OR
    • MMRV (Combination of MMR and Varicella) - 2 doses given on or after first birthday. The minimum interval between MMRV doses is 3 months.
 Upon application

Hepatitis B Vaccine:


Students entering undergraduate clinical nursing course work are required to present documentation of serologic evidence of immunity (either by vaccination or previous infection, demonstrated by positive titer) to HBV.

A series of vaccinations is given to provide immunization followed by a Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBS) titer to prove immunity:
  • 3 doses of Recombivax-B OR
  • Engerix-B over 6 months OR
  • A Hepatitis B surface antibody (anti-HBS) titer level is drawn 4-6 weeks after the last injection to document immunity.

If the previously vaccinated student does not have evidence of a responsive post vaccination titer:

  1. Complete a booster or "challenge dose" and obtain a titer post booster.
  2. If the student does not respond to the challenge dose, complete the series and obtain a final titer.

If the student has never been immunized or exposed to Hepatitis B:

  1. Complete the Hepatitis B series and provide evidence of a postivie antibody titer post vaccination (lab report required).

If the series is in process, provide evidence of where you are in the series to the clinical compliance tracking system.

 Upon application

Varicella Vaccine

Students are required to provide one of the following:

  1. Documentation of adequate immunity through a positive varicella titer OR
  2. Proof of 2 vaccinations: either Varivax or MMRV OR
  3. Medically documented history of disease (date of disease required)
  • If a student’s varicella titer level is negative, the student must receive 2 doses of vaccine at an interval of 4-8 weeks between doses.
  • Post vaccination titer after 2 doses of vaccine is not necessary or recommended.
Upon Application

Tetanus, Diphtheria, Acellular Pertussis (Tdap) Vaccine

One of the following is required:

Documentation of a Tetanus, Diphtheria & Pertussis (TDaP) vaccination from anytime AND a Td booster or TDaP administered within the past 10 years.

 Upon Application

FLU vaccine

  1. Students are to receive annual flu vaccination unless able to provide a medical exemption.
  2. Unvaccinated students must comply with all clinical agency requirements during flu season.

Annually during flu season.

Acceptable Dates: 

Start: August 15 or later. 

Deadline: October 31.

Covid-19 Vaccine

Students are to receive a minimum of one Covid-19 vaccination unless able to provide a religious or medical exemption.

Updated Pfizer-BioNTech, Moderna, and Novavax vaccines are recommended.

Upon Application