Subject: Academic Affairs


Revised: Spring 2024

Effective date: Spring 2024

Review date: April 2027

Responsible Party: Level I:  UAAC/GAAC; Level II:  Associate Dean for Academic Affairs

Introduction and Purpose: Using standardized grading criteria in the nursing programs provides consistency, clarity, and equity across the curricula for students and faculty.    

Policy:  Faculty will incorporate a standardized grading scheme for all nursing courses.


  1. The following standardized grading scheme is used in all undergraduate and graduate courses.
    • A: 90-100%
    • B: 80-89.9%
    • C: 70 – 79.9%
    • D: 60 – 69.9%
    • F: < 60%
  2. The passing standard for all nursing courses is 70% or a C.
  3. In cases of undergraduate clinical failure in coupled didactic/clinical courses, the assigned course grade is a non-passing C minus (or the earned theory grade if below a C minus).
  4. In cases of a graduate clinical failure in coupled didactic/clinical courses, the assigned course grade is an F.
  5. For courses using an optional approach to establish a first level threshold for average exam scoring, two criteria are considered when assigning course grades and the following language is used:
      1. First, the straight average (non-weighted) of the identified quizzes/exams must be 70% or higher. If this 70% criterion is not achieved, the final course grade will be no higher than the exam average alone, regardless of the student’s overall course score.
      2. Second, if the average exam score is equal to or greater than 70%, then the final course grade will reflect the collective scores on all quizzes/exams plus all other assignments.
      3. Grades of C minus, D, or F are not passing in the nursing program; therefore, a final grade of C minus, D, or F means the course must be repeated.
      4. Each exam is statistically analyzed and adjusted as appropriate throughout the course. Therefore, the final score is carried out to one decimal point and no rounding up or down of the final overall course score will be used. 


Internal control considerations, if applicable:  N/A