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Modified Duties for Family Caregiving Leave

Tenure Track faculty, both men and women, may take Faculty Modified Duties (FMD) for family care-giving by working with their Department Head, Dean and the Provost on a one semester “modified duties, active service” for qualifying parental, elder or partner care.

Leave Without Pay

LWOP may be requested by parents who 1) are not eligible for sick leave or FMLA, or 2) wish to extend maternity or parental leave.

Extend Tenure Review Date

The tenure review period established at the time of hire may be extended for one year, up to three times, for birth, adoption or other qualifying major life events.

Opt out of Stop-the-Clock Policy Change

Currently at MSU tenure clock stoppage is on an “opt in” basis – the faculty member must know about and initiate the request for a revised schedule. An “opt out” program would treat a one-year clock stoppage as the default, and thus “normal” (and not stigmatized). The faculty member could opt out by setting their clock ahead (i.e. back to what it was originally) at a later date if they so choose. This puts the faculty member who has experienced a major life transition in what feels more like a position of strength, as opposed to a position of weakness (asking for “extra” time for tenure review). Deans and Department Heads will be informed about the value of this policy, the expectations that go along with a revised tenure schedule and how to initiate conversations regarding tenure schedule modifications.