Current Semester

Jim Allard

Not currently teaching


Research Interests

  • 19th Century Philosophy
  • History of Philosophy
  • Continental Philosophy


  • PhD, Princeton University, 1976

Select Publications


  • The Logical Foundations of Bradley’s Metaphysics: Judgment, Inference, and Truth, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005.


  • “The Idealistic Transformation of Logic,” in James Connelly and Stamatoula Panagakou, Aspects of Idealism, Peter Lang, 2010.
  • “Idealism, Pragmatism, and the World Well Lost,” in Randall E. Auxier (ed), The Philosophy of Richard Rorty, Library of Living Philosophers, Open Court, 2010, 47-68.
  • “Sprigge’s Vindication of Concrete Universals,” in Pierfrancesco Basile and Leemon McHenry
  • (eds.), Consciousness, Reality and Value, Frankfurt: Ontos Verlag, 2007, 79-91.
  • “Realism, Anti-realism, and Absolute Idealism,” in Randall E. Auxier (ed), The Philosophy of Michael Dummett, Library of Living Philosophers, (LaSalle, Illinois: Open Court), 2007, pp. 127-146.
  • “Bosanquet and the Problem of Inference,” in William Sweet (ed.), Bernard Bosanquet and the Legacy of British Idealism, (Toronto: Toronto University Press), 2007, pp. 73-89.
  • “Idealism in Britain and the U.S.A., 1870-1914,” in Thomas Baldwin (ed.), The Cambridge History of Philosophy: 1870-1945, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2004, 43-59.

Journal articles

  • “Bradley’s Collected Works, Volume 3", Bradley Studies, Special Review Issue, Vol. 7, 2001, pp. 46-77.


  • Ben Wempe, T. H. Green’s Theory of Positive Freedom, Journal of the History of Philosophy, 2010.
  • Maria Dimova-Cookson and W. J. Mander (eds.), T. H. Green: Ethics, Metaphysics, and Political Philosophy, Notre Dame Philosophical Reviews, 2007.

Courses Taught

  • Philosophy 105H: Problems of Good and Evil
  • Philosophy 120H: Reason and Reality
  • Philosophy 214: Philosophy of Human Nature
  • Philosophy 220: Asian Philosophy
  • Philosophy 231: Introduction to Logic
  • Philosophy 265: Philosophy in Literature
  • Philosophy 290: Social and Political Philosophy
  • Philosophy 305RH: History of Western Philosophy: Ancient and Medieval
  • Philosophy 307: History of Philosophy: Recent
  • Philosophy 332: Ethics
  • Philosophy 360: Existentialism and After
  • Philosophy 364: Contemporary Philosophy
  • Philosophy 390: Reason and Revolution
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Plato
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Aristotle
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Hegel
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Russell
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Idealism
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Davidson
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Heidegger
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Rorty
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Wittgenstein
  • Philosophy 400: Seminar, Philosophy of Logic
  • Philosophy 402: Marxism
  • Philosophy 404: Phenomenology
  • University Honors 202: Texts and Critics: Love and Power
  • CLS 101V: Freshmen Seminar