Roles and Responsibilities
Pre-service Teacher
CooperatingTeacher (CT)
Field Supervisor (FS)
Establish and maintain clear, professional communication in a timely manner with the
CT and
FS. |
Maintainclear professional communication in a timely manner with the pre-service teacher and FS. |
Establish and maintain clear professional communication in a timely manner with the school administration, preservice teacher and CT. Concerns should be communicated with the Field Placement Office. |
Be a willing and active learner, receptive to supportive mentoring and feedback from
the CT and FS.
Mentor the pre-service teacher through the willingness to
Support the pre-service teacher through seminar discussions, observations and postobservation
conferences by offering specific, supportive feedback.
Complete the minimum number of hours of active, in-class time spread evenly over the
10 week placement.
Ideally the time is spent in the classroom on three-four consecutive days, but must occur on at least two (secondary) or three (elementary) days per week. |
Encourage and facilitate varied teaching opportunities for the preservice teacher
to engage in the school community and in the classroom including: 1:1 tutoring, small
group instruction, and whole class instruction.
Encourage the pre-service teacher to engage in varied learning opportunities in the
field experience both in the classroom and the school.
Complete school based assignments associated with the seminar component of the practicum
including, but not limited to:
Provide an opportunity for the preservice teacher to plan and implement lessons as part of the Reflective Educator Project (REP). These lessons should be a part of the standards designated appropriate by the school or district. Encourage a growth mindset in teaching practice. |
Offer appropriate guidance, mentoring support and feedback to the pre-service teacher
in the construction of the TWS as well seminar-based assignments.
Complete a final performance assessment electronically. |
Complete a final performance assessment electronically.