Faculty Senate Minutes

November 14th, 2018

SUB Alumni Lounge

3:10- 4:30 pm




Richards, Abigail



Walker, Brett



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engr


Anderson, Christina

AR/Film & Photography


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chem Engr


Austin, Eric

LS/Political Sci


Belasco, Eric

AG/Ag Econ


Brody, Michael



Carr, Patrick

AG/Research Centers


Dana, Susan



Dratz, Ed

LS/Chemistry & Biochemistry


Dunbar, Edward

HHD/Health & Human Dev


Fick, Damon

EN/Civil Engineering


Gao, Hongwei

EN/Electrical & Comp. Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas

LS/Math Sciences


Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Haynes, George

Extension/On Campus


Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Jelinski, Jack

Emeritus Faculty


McDermott, Timothy

AG/Land Resources


McMahon, Tom



McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


Meyer, James

LS/History & Phil


Slye, Teresa

Gallatin College


Stowers, Steven

LS/Cell Biology & Neuroscience


Thomas, Amy



Thompson, John

LS/Modern Languages






Fisher, John (in for Colter Ellis)

LS/Sociology & Anthropology


Moyce, Sally

Nursing/On Campus


Olson, Bret

AG/Animal & Range


Rossmann, Doralyn (in for Scott Young)



Watson, Bradford







Adams, Dean

Arts & Architecture


Larsen, Ron

Office of the Provost


Lonardo, Nick

Alumni Foundation


Mumey, Brendan

Engineering/Chair, Faculty Affairs


Singel, David

Office of the Provost


Zandonella, Neal

Alumni Foundation


I. Call to Order

A. The meeting was called to order at 3:11pm

II. Approval of the October 31st meeting minutes

A. Michael Brody moves to approve. Timothy McDermott seconds. None opposed. Approved.

III. Informational Items

A. MSUAF Faculty Staff Engagement

1. Nick Londardo and Neal Zandonella from the Alumni Foundation

a. Putting together a plan over the last year or so

b. Was put on back burner, but is now back on radar

c. Constantly working to engage with faculty and staff

d. Working with the data stewards of UIT to get information

e. Upgrades to data security

i. Opt out option

ii. One solicitation campaign per year

iii. Can specify contact/communication preferences

iv. There are policies in place on how to handle data and the limitations that may exist

v. Foundation has an operating agreement with MSU which allows them to share data on faculty and staff

f. Looking for support of the faculty to go forward with this data transfer

g. Will get the draft plan to the group

IV. New Business

A. New Courses

1. Undergraduate:

a. AHHS: Interprofessional Collaboration Practice Skills

b. ARTH 440: 20th Century Art

c. GEO 471: Geochronology & Thermochronology

d. NASX 471: Native Grantsmanship

2. Graduate

a. BCH 546: Metabolomics & Systems Biology

b. GEO 571: Geochronology & Thermochronology

c. NASX 571: Native Grantsmanship

B. Chair-Elect nominations solicited

1. Needs

a. Right now: Chair-Elect for Spring 2019 and assume position of chair in the Fall 2019

i. Eric Austin has been nominated

ii. Cut-off date is Tuesday, the 20th of Nov.

iii. Nominees should have some experience with Faculty Senate

iv. A reminder will go out with the minutes

b. On the horizon: Chair-Elect for 2019-2020 to be chair 2020-2021 (mulling over period)

V. Old Business

A. FYI-Courses approved in FS Steering

1. ACT 276: Wilderness First Responder

2. EMEC 462: System Dynamics and Control

3. GRMN 498: Internship Abroad

4. LS 104: Introduction to Global Health

5. SIGN 220: Sign Language II

B. Workload Policy & Workload Plan Guidelines

1. Requests that units craft a unit-wide workload plan to describe unit activities in areas of teaching, scholarship and service

a. Align with university mission/strategic plan as well as unit’s academic plan

b. Reflect programmatic & curricular needs

c. Be informed by discipline-specific national performance data and identified peer units

2. Allows units to describe what they do in teaching, scholarship and service on a daily/weekly basis

3. Acknowledge that disciplines address areas of Teaching, Scholarship & Service in different ways

4. General Examples are provided

a. Teaching

b. Scholarship

c. Service-not an exhaustive list language can be added

5. Changing POE

6. Joint appointment

7. How is the term unit defined? It usually means “department”, but the JJCBE is one unit, Arts and Architecture has “schools” instead of depts., but they are a unit.

8. Need purpose and has to align with the strategic plan

9. Should have an updated version early next week.

C. 2016 Workload Taskforce Report-Can find on the FS website

1. Contains data (2016) regarding teaching loads across campus and comparisons to national norms

2. Contains suggested ranges of “in-class” teaching assignments for units granting PhD, Masters or Undergraduate-only degrees

a. Note: effort spent “teaching” is likely the same, but includes more graduate student mentoring in scholarship than time in the classroom

D. Status

1. Discussions past 3 meetings

2. Changes incorporated into the Workload Policy

a. Purpose statement

b. Plan review cycle and revisions

3. Comments collected to incorporate into Workload Plan Guidelines

4. Currently under review by Provost

E. Workload Plan Guidelines-Feedback

1. Read documents carefully

2. Discuss with Colleagues

3. Actionable suggestions

a. Provide specific language changes in writing

4. Can email suggested changes

a. arichards@montana.edu

b. Brett.Laurence.Walker@gmail.com

5. Most current policy should be posted next week. Will get emailed out with it.

6. Can we get an example of what one of these documents could look like? Yes. Abbie Richards has an example of an engineering one she will make available.

7. Any new policy will go through a review cycle. This will not be perfect right away, but it could be reviewed after the first year to work out any kinks. Legal Counsel, Faculty Affairs, Provost Office are all in the review process.

8. Had anyone else see the report from 2016? Everyone should look at it. It’s an eye opener. Worth looking at.

a. Chair Richards agrees that everyone should look at it.

b. It is on the website, so anyone can go and look at it.

c. What is the driving force for having this policy? To be able to say what we do on a daily basis so that we can quickly explain it to whoever is asking. It could be a lot of work, but we are the experts in what we do.

VI. Announcements

A. Administrative reviews by faculty will continue next spring

1. 3-year cycle

2. Begin with Provost/President

3. Looking for good questions so that we can get good constructive feedback

4. Want feedback from them as well

5. Hope to roll out in March or April

B. Grad Dean Search-Airport interviews will be happening soon

1. A compressed search-Want someone in place by January 1st, 2019

2. Timeline should not limit applicant pool

3. If you know someone, please tell them to apply right away

4. Search firm will have many applicants for this position

5. Please go to an open forum, or separate faculty forum and fill out the feedback forms online.

6. Is this the best way, (through search firm), to find the right person for this position?

a. Hope that they are taking this search seriously

b. Have they thought about putting an interim in this position? That information is not known at this time.

c. Even though the Provost said the timeline wouldn’t affect the pool of applicants, turn around on start date could make it very difficult to leave a position, move to Montana and start a new job.

d. Feels like they are hoping to get an internal candidate, which makes bringing in the search firm look like just a show.

e. Glad we will be reviewing administration again-have seen patterns.

C. Relationships Policy Task Force – Community Conversations for Faculty

1. Nov 7 email invite from Center for Faculty Excellence

a. Monday, November 19, 2018, 1:10 - 2:00 PM, SUB 233

b. Monday, November 26, 2018, 3:30 - 4:30, SUB 233

c. Friday, November 30, 2018, 3:30 - 4:30, SUB 235

d. Monday, December 3, 2018, 12:00 - 1:00, SUB 233

D. Center Guidelines Sub-Committee

1. Michael Brody (Education-EHHD)

2. Susan Dana (Business)

3. Julia Haggerty (Earth Sciences-L&S)

4. Allison Kosto (Extension)

5. Leila Sturman (Library)

6. Carl Yeoman (Animal & Range Science-Ag)

VII.  Public Comment

A. No public comment.

VIII. Adjournment

A.    Meeting is adjourned at 3:58pm

Next Faculty Senate Meeting will be 3:10 pm November 28th in SUB Room 23


A downloadable PDF of this information can be found here.