Faculty Senate Meeting (Webex) Minutes

March 24, 2021

3:10 – 4:30






Brody, Michael



Watson, Bradford



Amende, Kevin

EN/Mechanical & Industrial Engineering


Anderson, Ryan

EN/Chemical Engineering


Brookshire, Jack

AG/Land Resources


Carson, Robert



Coffey, Jerome



Dale, Catherine

AR/Film & Photography


Dratz, Ed

LS/Chemistry & Biochemistry


Ellis, Colter

LS/Sociology & Anthropology


Gao, Hongwei

EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering


Gedeon, Tomas



Haggerty, Julia

LS/Earth Sciences


Haynes, George

Extension/On Campus


Herman, Matthew

LS/Native American Studies


Hill, Andrew

AG/AgEcon & Econ


Izurieta, Clemente

EN/Computer Science


Jeon, Minjee



Johnson, Jerry

LS/Political Science


LeClair, Chere



McPhee, Kevin

AG/Plant Sciences & Plant Pathology


McMilin, Colleen

EHHD/Health & Human Development


Neumeier, John



Schmidt, Ed

AG/Microbiology & Immunology


Stein, Otto

EN/Civil Engineering


Thomas, Amy



Thompson, John

LS/Modern Languages


Van Emon, Megan

AG/Animal & Range Sciences


Young, Scott







Black, Laura



Maher, Rob

EN/Electrical & Computer Engineering


Moyce, Sally

Nursing/On Campus


Reidy, Michael

LS/History & Philosophy






Adams, Dean

Center for Faculty Excellence


Beck, Carin

Student Success


Bolte, Jason



Donohue, Ariel

Diversity & Inclusion


Fastnow, Christina

Planning & Analysis


Harney, Kristin



Maher, Rob

EN/Electrical & computer Engineering


Mitchell, James

Health Partners


Mokwa, Robert



Peters, Martha

Provost Office


Rognlie, Juli

Gallatin College


Sobek, Durward

Provost Office




I.            Meeting was called to order at 3:12pm

II.            Approval of FS Minutes from March 10, 2021

a.       Ryan Anderson moved to approve. Ed Dratz seconded. None opposed. No abstentions. Approved.

III.            Information Updates: 

a.       Clarity on vaccinations-Jim Mitchell

i.      Big picture:

A.      Demand is greater and supply

B.      Capacity to do 5-6000 shots a week through the Hospital

C.      State is providing 2500 shot a week 

D.      1B+ category 

1.       1A was healthcare providers

2.       1B was American Indians and POC, people over 70, or have one of a few medical conditions. 

3.       We have done 1A and 1B earlier in the winter

4.       Around the first of March we went to 1B+ added people 60 and older and added some more medical conditions. 

I.      This is where we came up short in supply

E.       Some vaccines are getting delivered directly to pharmacies. Hard to know which ones and how much

F.       Governor set a different set of standards

1.       In addition to 1B+, K-12 teachers, preschool teachers, and childcare providers

G.      April first date has been moved up for those over 16

H.      Supply issues are going to get work

I.         State says they are allocating based on population

1.       They insist that Gallatin Valley is getting their share

J.        Stories: 

1.       West Yellowstone cannot fill their slots. Our system crashes due to being overwhelmed and it still fills up in 10 minutes.

I.      State is unwilling to divert any vaccines our way

K.       Pharmacies have no regulation of who they are giving it to.

L.       Our Walmart says they don’t’ have it, but the on in Billings does.

M.    Osco Pharmacies have it: Bozeman and Belgrade Albertson’s and Safeway

1.       They have given all of theirs to schoolteachers and aren’t offering it to anyone else. 

ii.      There is not enough vaccine capacity.

A.      Over 60 folks are worried they won’t get vaccines because once we get to April 1st the younger people will be better equipped to sign up for appointments. 

iii.      Will MSU offer vaccine to faculty?

A.      Until the county and the hospital capacity is used up, there isn’t much use in us doing that. 

B.      Hospitals are not doing open sign ups. They are contacting patients directly. 

C.      County may open some spots next week for people over 60, but they don’t have enough vaccine anyway. 

D.      If and when the supply picks up and the health dept and hospital get all of theirs, we will figure out how to vaccinate faculty and students if we can. 

1.       Could be a month and a half from now.

2.       We have a good model and did some in February with the help of Nursing and Engineering students.

iv.      You can travel to Billings, Laurel and Yellowstone to get your vaccine because they have a better supply.

v.      As soon as we know more we will get the info out there. 

vi.      Keep trying to get on the Health Dept site and get signed up. It should get better as they get more slots lined up. 

b.       Snowmester Assessment, Interim Vice-Provost Sobek

i.      Was Snowmester a success?

ii.      Was the fee structure clear?

iii.      Would participants do it again?

iv.      How can we improve?

v.      Observed data on enrollment and offerings

vi.      Financial review

vii.      Questionnaires to participating students and instructors

A.      65% of 98 instructors responded

B.      36% of 1869 students responded

viii.      Institutional level

A.      1869 students enrolled

B.      92 courses, 117 sections; 31 depts, 10 colleges

C.      Financial

ix.      Student View

A.      76% felt prepared to take a follow-on course

B.      70% thought they had enough academic support resources

x.      Instructor view

A.      70% agree students are prepared for a subsequent course

B.      High agreement on Snowmester meeting student objectives (83%)

xi.      Was the fee structure clear 2?

A.      Students

1.       24% did NOT understand the fee structure

B.      Instructors

1.       66% were neutral on whether it was clear to students

C.      Student comments

1.       Some felt “ripped off”

2.       Some like that it was cheaper than summer

xii.      Would you do it again 3

A.      Student view

1.       84% said they would recommend it to a friend

2.       68% will take another course

3.       53% do not prefer a 4-week format

B.      Instructor view

1.       79% would be interested in doing it again

2.       73% would recommend it to a student

xiii.      How can we improve 4

A.      Students

1.       Employ best practices in online teaching

2.       More options, more slots

3.       Clearer on fee structure

4.       Break between Fall-SNO and SNO-Spring

5.       Raise excess credits limit

6.       Resources

7.       Clearer expectations

B.      Instructors

1.       Earlier drop date9S)

2.       Clearer on when grades due

3.       Break between Fall-SNO and SNO-Spring

4.       Guidelines for holidays

5.       Communicate expectations to students

xiv.      Summary of Preliminary Findings

A.      Snowmester was a success!

B.      We can do better in communication

C.      Would be good to improve training uptake

D.      Guidelines/Policies may be helpful

E.       Students want more selection

F.       Concern about 4/week format

1.       Which courses can fit this format well?

2.       Will faculty want to tach?

3.       Will students enroll?

4.       More/different incentives for faculty and departments?

5.       Encourage creative course?

6.       Adequate buffer between terms?

xv.      Questions-dsobek@montana.edu 

A.      Tomas Gedeon: Have heard comments from STAFF about submitting grades. They felt overworked, didn’t have a break and preparing for the next semester. 

1.       We didn’t have a good way to target the staff most effected by the Snowmester. Appreciate your feedback. 

c.       Outreach and Engagement Grants https://www.montana.edu/calendar/events/37321

i.      There is still time!

d.       Commencement Ceremony https://www.montana.edu/commencement/

i.      Faculty confer the degrees. Would love you all to participate

e.       BOR Meeting 3/11/21

i.      HB 102: Sent you the meeting notes

ii.      Felt it was a “win”. The BOR really listened to us. 

iii.      Well prepared. Stayed on topic for 45 minutes.

iv.      Shout out to Tracy Ellig and Kellie Peterson for help with the presentation.

v.      In the paper this morning: 1 million dollars has been allocated to campuses for gun safety.

f.        Nominations for Chair-Elect

i.      Still taking nominations

IV.            Old Business: 

a.       Undergraduate Course (Second Reading)

i.       BGEN 106 : Career Readiness & Professional Development (3/4/2021)

ii.      EBME 102 : Introduction to Biomedical Engineering Research (3/4/2021)

iii.      ELCT 100 : Introduction to Electricity (3/4/2021)

iv.      FILM 341 : Special Effects Makeup for Film (3/4/2021)

v.       HSTA 334 : American Myth, Memory and Monuments (3/4/2021)

vi.      HVC 110: Introduction to HVAC-R (3/1/2021)

vii.       HVC 115:Trade Tools and Test Equipment (3/4/2021)

viii.      MUSI 113 : Choir: University Tenor Bass Choir(3/4/2021)

ix.       NRSG 116 : Introduction to Professional Nursing(3/4/2021)

x.       OSH 110 : OSHA 10 Safety Training for Construction Trades(3/4/2021)

xi.       PSYX 428 : Integrated Mental Health Practices (3/4/2021)


b.       Tabled pending discussion-Will come back to senate when issues are cleared up

i.      HONR 494-001: The Art and Science of Medicine in the Humanities, (3/3/2021)

ii.      HONR 494-002: The Art and Science of Medicine in Social Sciences, (3/3/2021)

c.       Undergraduate Course Changes (Second Reading)

i.       EQUS 423 : Equine Nutrition-Change from 2 credits to 3 (3/8/2021)

ii.      MCH 230 : Tooling and Work Holding for CNC-Change from 2 credits to 3 (3/8/2021)

iii.      ARTZ 109RA : Visual Language: Comprehensive Foundation-Change from 4 credits to 3 (3/8/2021)

iv.      ARTZ 110RA : Visual Language: Ideation and Creativity Change from 4 credits to 3 (3/8/2021)

v.       ASTR 373 : Extragalactic Astronomy-Credit change from 4-3; title changed from Stars, Galaxies, and the Universe (3/8/2021)

vi.      BMGT 240IS : Business Analytics-Title changed from Business Research Methods (3/8/2021)

vii.       BMIS 211 : Data Analytics I-Title changed from Spreadsheet and Database Skills (3/8/2021)

viii.      KIN 370: Exercise Prog for Older Adults-Changing to numbers from 270 to 370 (3/8/2021)

ix.       HORT 310 : Topics in Horticulture-Changing from Turfgrass Management; updated learning outcomes (3/8/2021


d.      Undergraduate Program Changes (Second Reading)

i.       ECCD-BS : Bachelor of Science in Human Development & Family Science - Child Development option-Name change from: ECCD-BS : Bachelor of Science in Early Childhood Education and Child Services - Child Development Option (3/8/2021)

ii.      HEHE-BS : Bachelor of Science in Kinesiology - Exercise Science Option-Name change from: HEHE-BS : Bachelor of Science in Health and Human Performance - Exercise Science Option (3/8/2021)

e.       Graduate Courses and Programs (Second Reading)

i.      HDFS 535: Contemporary Issues in Human Development (2/23/2021)

ii.      MTSI 503 : Optical, Electronic, and Magnetic Properties of Materials (2/23/2021)

f.        Graduate Course Changes (Second Reading

i.      HHD 501 : Research Methods in HHD I (2/23/2021) TITLE CHANGE

ii.      HHD 501 : Research Methods in HHD II (2/23/2021) TITLE CHANGE

iii.       FILM 560 : Advanced Postproduction: Info Design (3/9/2021) TITLE CHANGE

g.       Graduate Programs (Second Reading)

i.      Agriculture-CERT: Certificate in Plant Disease (2/23/2021)

ii.      PSPP-CER: Certificate in Crop Breeding and Biotechnology (2/23/2021)

h.       Graduate Program Changes (Second Reading)

i.      FFPO-MS: Master of Science /in Family Financial Planning (2/23/2021) TITLE CHANGE

V.            New Business:

a.       Undergraduate Courses (First Reading) Sally Moyce: Transforming our curricular deliver. Part of an associate of Nursing. Last year they released new essentials. Rewriting curriculum to be in line with those essentials. Haven’t updated curriculum in over 15 years. Health care knowledge doubles every five years. Simulation has exploded in the last five years in terms of delivery and methods of teaching safe practices. Clinical partners are saying that our nursing students need more knowledge. On average it takes a student 4.75 years to graduate with a Nursing degree. We wanted to shorten that. Used to be five semesters, now will be 4. We also have a 15-month program for accelerated students. Accelerated is going from 4 semesters to 3. Revised prerequisites. Curriculum and Programs Committee (CPC) approved these last week. 

i.       NRSG 316 : Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses I (3/16/2021)

ii.      NRSG 317 : Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses II (3/16/2021)

iii.      NRSG 318 : Accelerated Pathophysiology and Pharmacotherapeutics for Nurses (3/16/2021)

iv.      NRSG 323 : Professional Development I: Professional and Ethical Nursing (3/16/2021)

v.       NRSG 324R : Professional Development II: Evidence Based Practice (3/16/2021)

vi.      NRSG 327 : Foundations of Nursing Care (3/16/2021)

vii.       NRSG 328 : Foundations of Nursing Lab (3/16/2021)

viii.      NRSG 329 : Adult Health Assessment (3/16/2021)

ix.       NRSG 332 : Nursing Concepts for Health Promotion (3/16/2021)

x.       NRSG 333 : Concepts in Health Promotion and Psychosocial Nursing (3/16/2021)

xi.       NRSG 334 : Nursing Practice for Health Promotion (3/16/2021)

xii.      NRSG 354: Nursing Concepts in Reproductive Health (3/16/2021)

xiii.       NRSG 357 : Nursing Concepts in Pediatric Care (3/16/2021)

xiv.       NRSG 358 : Nursing Concepts in Reproductive Health and Pediatric Care (3/16/2021)

xv.      NRSG 359: Nursing Practice in Reproductive Health and Pediatric Care (3/16/2021)

xvi.       NRSG 400 : Nursing Simulation (3/16/2021)

xvii.       NRSG 403 : Professional Development III: Care Management (3/16/2021)

xviii.      NRSG 406 : Professional Development V: Care Management and Informatics in Healthcare Systems (3/16/2021)

xix.      NRSG 408 : Nursing Concepts in Chronic Care (3/16/2021)

xx.       NRSG 409 : Nursing Practice in Chronic Care, (3/16/2021)

xxi.      NRSG 412 : Professional Development IV: Nursing Leadership and Transition to Practice, (3/16/2021)

xxii.       NRSG 426 : Nursing Concepts in Population Health (3/16/2021)

xxiii.      NRSG 427 : Nursing Practice in Population Health (3/16/2021)

xxiv.       NRSG 431 : Nursing Concepts in Psychiatric/Mental Health (3/16/2021)

xxv.       NRSG 432 : Nursing Practice in Psychiatric/Mental Health (3/16/2021)

xxvi.       NRSG 452 : Health Policy & Economics (3/16/2021)

xxvii.      NRSG 460 : Nursing Concepts in Acute and Chronic Care (3/16/2021)

xxviii.       NRSG 461 : Nursing Practice for Acute and Chronic Care (3/16/2021)

xxix.       NRSG 470 : Nursing Concepts in Acute Care (3/16/2021)

xxx.      NRSG 471 : Nursing Practice in Acute Care (3/16/2021)

xxxi.       NRSG 480 : Management of Healthcare Systems (3/16/2021)

VI.            Graduate Courses and Programs (First Reading)

a.       Courses

i.      ENGL 585 : Multimodal Literacy Workshops in PK-16 Classrooms (3/22/2021)

ii.      GPHY 507 : Topics in Political Ecology (3/22/2021)

b.       Course Changes 

i.      FILM 560 : Advanced Post Production: Info Design (3/9/2021) TITLE CHANGE

c.       Programs

i.      ENGR-MENG : Master of Engineering in Mechanical Engineering (3/22/2021)

ii.      ME-MS : Master of Science in Mechanical Engineering (3/22/2021)

iii.      MMME-M: Master of Music with an Option in Music Education (3/16/2021)

A.      Kristen Harvey: Largely already exists at MSU. We are hoping to make adjustments to current programs. Already have a healthy enrollment. Six credits from ed requirements and roll them into Music. Our students want this degree within their home department. UofM have given their support, as have the Regents. Duplication is in name only, not content. 

VII.            Policies from JAGS (Joint Academic Governance Steering Committee)

a.       Policies up for Revision

i.      Grievance Policy 3/21/21 (First Reading)

A.      Thank you to Jennifer Glad in Legal Counsel

B.      Went over this in JAGS yesterday

C.      “Respondent(s)” mean the individual against whom a grievance is brought, and whom the grievant alleges took some action or made a decision that is grievable under Section III.

D.      Types of disputes included and excluded: Language has been updated. 

E.       “The Grievance Hearing Board cannot reverse the underlying decision but may recommend to the president that the process be corrected and reinstated form the point of the identified infraction.”

F.       If request is rejected, the faculty member may appeal the decision to the Provost, whose determination will be final.

1.       Tomas Gedeon: Used to be the Faculty Senate Chair. Could that appear to be a conflict of interest since he is part of the Promotion and Tenure approval chain?

I.      Michael Brody: I don’t have the legal background and didn’t feel comfortable having the final decision. Maybe a compromise is that it is a joint decision?

2.       Laura Black: Paragraph B, Section 6: That is the only part of the procedure that doesn’t have a “time” connected to it. What is the turnaround time for submitting a grievance? A diagram with the documents and their timelines would be very helpful. 

I.      The info gathering timeline could be quite long, but it would l be a good idea to clarify it

II.      Laura Black: Was worried that the acceptance of the grievance could take time, but the clock could still be ticking. 

G.      Grievance hearings will be closed to the public unless the grievant and all other participants in the hearing waive their rights.

H.      Jennifer Glad can be at the next meeting for questions.

I.         Provost Mokwa:  This is not a complete rework of the policy, rather adjustments and refinements of a brand-new policy form a year ago or so. Clarifying places where there was ambiguity. Jennifer Glad will be a great resource for information at our next meeting.

1.       Fresh set of legal eyes on this document was helpful

2.       Ed Dratz: Deadline for filing is very tight. They can’t file until they get a letter from the Provost, but they only have 14 days. 

3.       Andrew Hill: Section 5, part C: Board. What does the “consultation” look like? It is not a shared decision, just a shared consulting. Considering things like equity and inclusion on the Board. 

I.      In the past this was done informally. Making sure there is a good balance. Want to ensure that we have as diverse of a group that we can to provide the best oversight. 

II.      Andrew Hill: You could switch the two sentences, so that part is seen. 

J.        Will bring this back next meeting.

K.       Annual Review Revisions 12/30/2020

L.       Post Tenure Review 12/30/2020

VIII.            Faculty Senate Bylaws; Revisions/vote?

a.       Want to include a question about how the Steering committee is formed and added some language to Faculty Affairs.

i.      Composed of faculty from each college

ii.      Executive Steering is comprised of current senators that are appointed by Chair and Chair elect.

b.       If we vote on this today, there would be a friendly amendment that we would add the info that Bradford just shared. 

i.      A clarification

c.       Questions:

i.      Tomas Gedeon: “Faculty Caucus” was struck out on the document. Wondering why or what that decision was based on. 

A.      Bradford: Those caucuses do not exist. They were carry-overs from a past handbook.

ii.      Amy Thomas moves to accept the revisions to the by-laws with a friendly amendment referencing the clarification of committee makeup. Tomas Gedeon seconds. 

A.      22 in favor, five abstentions. Revisions have passed.

IX.            Senators’ Discussion

a.       Who will be involved in deciding how we spend this $1M?

i.      We will be meeting with the Provost soon. 

ii.      Will also be meeting with OCHE. Private meeting about shared decision making and working together in the future. 

iii.      Have not been involved any other meetings regarding this. 

X.            Public Comment

a.       None

XI.            Adjourn

a.       Ed Dratz moves to adjourn. Kevin Amende seconds. Meeting was adjourned at 4:27pm