November 6, 2002
Members Present:  Gipp, Sherwood for Giroux, Kommers, Metz for Linker,
Leech, Taylor, Howard, Stewart, Jones, Yoo, Nehrir, Conant, McMahon,
Cloninger for Amend, Levy, Bogar, Jelinski, Idzerda, Pratt, Fisher,
Lynes-Hayes, Prawdzienski, Kempcke, Knight.

Members Absent:  Young, Morrill, Engel, White, Anderson, Schlotzhauer,
Chem Engr, Lefcort, Locke, Engl, Bond, Lynch, Hoffman.

Others Present:  Dooley, Fedock, Rimpau.

The meeting was called to order by Faculty Council Chair Richard
Howard.  A quorum was present.  The minutes of the October 30, 2002,
meeting were approved as distributed.

There was no Chair's report.

Nominating Committee report.
     - There are three nominations for a faculty vacancy on the
     Athletics Committee: Susan Capalbo (Ag Econ/Econ), John Sears
     (Chem Engineering), and Richard Wojtowicz (Libraries).  There
     were no further nominations from the floor.  John Sherwood moved
     the three nominations, from which one will be appointed, be
     forwarded to President Gamble.  The motion was seconded and
     - There is one nomination for a position on the Salary Review
     Committee: Dennis Aig, Media and Theatre Arts.  The term ends in
     December, 2005.  As there were no further nominations, Jack
     Jelinski moved the nomination be forwarded to Provost Dooley for
     appointment.  The motion was seconded and carried.
     - A new committee, the Office of Facilities Services Advisory
     Committee, has been approved by President Gamble.  Two faculty
     nominations for two positions are being solicited.  Nominations
     are to be made to Vicky York, Chair of the UGC Nominating
     Committee, by November 13.

Faculty Affairs Committee report - Walter Metz.
     - Notice of an amendment to Faculty Handbook Section 1312.00
     (Conciliation and Grievance Complaints - Deadline for Filing)
     will be given to faculty through the November 12 STAFF BULLETIN
     and comment is invited during the following ten-day period.  The
     proposal may be viewed at
     .  The proposal will then return to Faculty Council for any
     further discussion and approval to forward to the administration.
     - The committee proposes an amendment to Faculty Handbook Section
     620.00 (Role, Scope, Criteria, Standards, and Procedures
     Documents).  It will be considered at tomorrow's UGC Steering
     Committee meeting.
     - The committee is reviewing changes suggested by the academic
     deans to the post-tenure review proposal (Faculty Handbook
     Section 618.00-02 and related sections).  It is anticipated the
     proposal will be forwarded to UGC Steering Committee on November

UPBAC process and its relationship to Strategic Planning Committee;
support role of Office of Planning and Analysis - Dave Dooley and Jim
     - This semester's goal for the University Planning, Budget and
     Analysis Committee is to consider university priorities, before
     beginning work on the two-year budget in February.  The intent is
     to develop a set of priorities, discuss them with the campus to
     get feedback, and refine them before consideration of the budget
     begins.  A balanced budget is to be presented to President Gamble
     in April.
     - The SPC was asked to provide information to UPBAC to help make
     decisions about priorities.  SPC was to specifically address the
     optimal size for MSU (total student enrollment, breakdown between
     undergraduates and graduates, etc.) and to prepare an analysis of
     strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.
     - The documents from SPC will provide part of the information to
     be considered by UPBAC, but UPBAC reserves the right to set
     priorities for the university.
     - The two SPC documents, Capacity for Growth and SWOT Analysis,
     ( were
     accepted by UPBAC and have been discussed at two public meetings.
     A sub-committee of UPBAC is drafting  a response to the
     documents.  It will be discussed by UPBAC.
     - During discussion, it was suggested that concern regarding the
     SPC documents may partly arise from the reporting of the UPBAC
     meeting rather than from the documents themselves.  Sections of
     the documents that may be controversial depend upon the
     perspective of the reader.  SPC provided some thoughtful analysis
     and has provided a basis for dialogue.
     - There are two different methods for UPBAC to use in moving
     forward in setting priorities: identify areas of strength,
     excellence, centrality, and list the areas by name; or develop
     sets of measures (such as demand, needs of the state, tradition,
     ability to gain external funds) and invest in areas that do well
     according to these measures.  If "excellence" is to be used,
     everyone needs to know what measures are being used.
     - Last year, UPBAC used departmental KPI's to help set
     - According to Jim Rimpau, the focus of institutional research
     has changed and now includes planning, also.  The Office of
     Planning and Analysis provides both data expertise and analysis.
     Long-term data collection tasks of the office include collecting
     KPI's for the past ten years.  This year, the context for this
     data will be the Delaware Study, which allows comparisons of cost
     and productivity.
     - Challenges of data collection and analysis by the Office of
     Planning and Analysis include the quality of the data that can be
     collected (the change to Banner making it more difficult),
     providing more access to data, and changing the MSU culture to be
     more aggressive in requesting data.
     - There will be a study of the capacity for growth at MSU.  What
     kind of growth is possible and desirable and where can it take
     - If Faculty Council committees have data needs, they should not
     hesitate to contact the Office for Planning and Analysis.

As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM.

Joann Amend, Secretary         Richard Howard, Chair