MSU FACULTY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES September 4, 2002 PRESENT: Young, Gipp, Sherwood, White, Kommers, Schlotzhauer, Linker, Leech, Taylor, Dodd, Howard, Stewart, Jones, Nehrir, McMahon, Amend, Levy, Bandyopadhyay, Bogar, Cherry, Bond, Idzerda, McKinsey, Lynch, Lynes-Hayes, Prawdzienski, Kempcke, Knight. The meeting was called to order at 4:10 PM by 2001-02 Chair John Sherwood. The minutes of the May 1, 2002, Faculty Council meeting were approved as distributed. Members were introduced, and retiring members were thanked for their contributions to Faculty Council during the past year. Chair's report - John Sherwood. - There are two committee vacancies to be filled. - A faculty member is needed for the Strategic Planning Committee, to fill a term which John Carlsten is unable to complete. The term ends in August, 2004. - A faculty member is needed for the Space Management Committee to serve during Fall Semester, 2002, while Cyd McClure is on sabbatical. - An e-mail will be sent to Faculty Council members, soliciting nominations. - The Chair summarized some of the activities in which he was involved over the summer. - During the early-summer budget recision, the recommendation of UPBAC was to use reserve funds and a small tuition surcharge to make up the shortfall. The recommendation was implemented. - During the second budget recision, MSU increased the tuition surcharge to the maximum allowed by the Board of Regents and used $250,000 from maintenance to balance the budget, with that to be replaced first by money received through higher student enrollments. - Raises for faculty and staff were left intact. - Accomplishments of the past academic year include: - Inclusion of a new faculty workload policy in the Faculty Handbook. It may be viewed at Section 480. - A salary increase package of 4% was approved, In addition, money was budgeted to raise salary floors ($55,000), give raises on promotion ($2,000 from assistant to associate professor and $4,000 from associate professor to professor), and to address equity issues ($137,000). - A faculty development committee has been organized to discuss additional opportunities for faculty development on campus. It is co-chaired by John Sherwood and Greg Weisenstein. Any thoughts concerning faculty development opportunities may be sent to John or Greg. Report from the Conciliation and Grievance Hearings Committees. - Elaine Peterson, 2001-02 Chair of the Grievance Hearings Committee, submitted a report that one case came to the grievance process this summer. It is still to be resolved and is continuing into Fall Semester. - Nancy Dodd, member of the Conciliation Committee, reported that one case came to the committee late in the academic year. The recommendation was made that the case be taken to the Grievance Hearings Committee. Introduction of the Ombudsman. - Nancy Dodd, College of Business, was introduced as the Ombudsman. Early this summer, a committee submitted nominations to the President and Provost, who interviewed the nominees before appointment of the Ombudsman. Introduction of 2002-03 Faculty Council Chair and Chair Elect. - The 2002-03 Faculty Council Chair, Rich Howard, was introduced. Warren Jones is the Chair Elect for the coming year. John Sherwood was thanked for his contribution to Faculty Council, as the Chair, during the past year. Issues to be considered during the coming year - Rich Howard. - Faculty Council will support the Ombudsman and the process, which is being funded as a pilot. An office and support will be provided, and there will be publicity about the purpose of the Ombudsman and how to reach her. - Providing MSU scholarships for children of employees will continue to be on the agenda. - The NCAA visiting team will be at MSU October 13-16, as follow-up to the self study completed this summer. The self study may be viewed at A hard copy may be checked out at the Faculty Council Office, Hamilton 3. An effort will be made during the year to increase the interaction between Faculty Council and the Athletics Committee. - Faculty Council will continue to interface with UPBAC and the budgeting process. The Chair and Chair Elect will represent the interests of faculty at these meetings. - University Governance Council Steering Committee members meet Thursday's at noon. Contact members of the committee (from Faculty Council: Rich Howard, Warren Jones, John Sherwood, John Amend, Jack Jelinski, Doug Young, Faculty Affairs Committee Chair Walter Metz and UGC Nominating Committee Chair Vicky York) with concerns or comments. - The process for the biyearly evaluation of administrators will be studied to make the review as effective as possible. President Gamble will be asked for input. - The Chair will continue to communicate with faculty by sending e-mails via the Faculty Council representatives. - Past Chair Sherwood noted that it is important for the Chair and Chair Elect to have input from faculty and Faculty Council members. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 4:45 PM. Joann Amend, Secretary Rich Howard, Chair