MSU FACULTY COUNCIL MEETING MINUTES April 18, 2001 PRESENT: Young, Sherwood, McDermott, Kommers, Linker, Howard, Stewart, Larsen, Nehrir, Mooney, Amend for McClure, Locke, Lansverk, Levy, Bogar, Bond, Jelinski, Francis, Lynch, Fisher, Prawdzienski, Griffith. ABSENT: Hatfield, Morrill, White, Anderson, Peed, Leech, Benham, Jost, Harkin, Lefcort, Weaver, McKinsey, Butterfield, Scott, Carlstrom. The meeting was called to order by Chair Ron Larsen. A quorum was present. The minutes of the April 4, 2001, meeting were approved as distributed. Chair's report - Ron Larsen. - "Report of Vacant Tenure-Track Faculty and Professional Lines by College for FY01" was distributed (attached for members absent). - Four lines have not been filled. What is the status of these? It was suggested an updated report be requested. - Soft money positions that have been funded by EPSCoR will become line positions in 2-3 years, when the EPSCoR grants end. It is anticipated the lines will be covered by retirements or resignations. - The report will have to be updated each year to track the lines. - Ron and Chair Elect Sherwood will suggest to the President that when administrative positions open, consideration be given to evaluating the need for the position before a search begins. - UPBAC met April 17. - All state and tuition money in all budgets is on the table. - It appears there will be a significant shortfall in funding for FY01. - During discussion by Faculty Council, it was recommended funding for salary increases be assigned early in the budgeting process. - It is anticipated that at the next UPBAC meeting, a budget amendment recommending a multi-year faculty pay improvement plan to move MSU toward parity with other doctoral II institutions will be presented. - An article in today's Bozeman Daily Chronicle reports that, for full professor salaries, MSU and UM are in the bottom 10 of 202 higher education institutions. - The UPBAC web site may be accessed through the MSU home page (lower left conrner). Minutes and agendas of UPBAC meetings and other data is found at the web site. - President Gamble's dossier is before the University Promotion and Tenure Committee for consideration. - Concern has been expressed that a conflict of interest may exist because candidates for Provost (current Interim Provost and Vice Provost) review the dossier. To alleviate any problem that might arise, the decision regarding the President's tenure will be made by the Commissioner of Higher Education. - The dossier has been reviewed by faculty in Sociology and Anthropology. - There are currently three finalists for the Provost position. One finalist dropped out of the search. Faculty are encouraged to attend the forums during the interviews, because input from the university at large is important. - UGC Steering Committee will consider drafting questions to be asked by Faculty Council representatives during the faculty forums. Faculty Affairs Committee report. - Some issues raised by Faculty Affairs will be discussed by UGC Steering Committee tomorrow and will come to Faculty Council next week. - A resolution regarding library fines for faculty may be presented. Proposed Amendments to the Faculty Council Bylaws. - Proposed amendments to the Faculty Council Bylaws were presented March 21. - Jack Jelinski moved the amendments be approved. The motion was seconded and carried with no objections voiced. Proposed Faculty Handbook Section 480 (Faculty Workload). - The proposal may be viewed at the Faculty Council web site, - The intent of the workload policy task force, appointed by President Roark, was to develop a workload policy. There was no discussion of including it in the Faculty Handbook at that time. - After brief discussion, Wes Lynch moved approval of recommended changes in the definitions of Research and Creative Work and Outreach and Service. The motion was seconded and carried. - Craig Stewart moved "... student teachers" be added to "supervision of..." in the definition of Teaching. The motion was seconded and carried. - Concern was expressed that the definitions may be redundant and may not agree with promotion and tenure policies in the Faculty Handbook. - After discussion, Bill Locke moved the proposal be tabled until the Faculty Affairs Committee has had a chance to discuss it, hopefully before the end of the academic year. The motion was seconded and carried. Faculty Affairs Committee is to determine if this policy is consistent with promotion and tenure policies in the Faculty Handbook. Other. - Nominees for Chair of the Faculty Affairs Committee are still being solicited. As there was no further business, the meeting adjourned at 5:00 PM. Joann Amend, Secretary Ron Larsen, Chair