October 4, 2000

PRESENT:  Morrill, Giroux for Sherwood, Miller, White, Peed, Linker,
          Leech, Benham, Howard, Stewart, Larsen, Jost, Harkin,
          Nehrir, Mooney, Lefcort, McMahon, McClure, Lansverk, Levy,
          Bogar, Bond, Jelinski, Kirkpatrick, McKinsey, Fisher,
          Prawdzienski, Scott.

ABSENT:   Young, Hatfield, Anderson, Johns, Locke, Lynch, Butterfield,
          Griffith, Carlstrom.

The regularly scheduled meeting was called to order by Chair Ron
Larsen at 4:10 PM.  It was determined a quorum was present.  The
minutes of the September 27, 2000, meeting were approved as

Chair's report - Ron Larsen.
     - The MSU president search is almost completed.
          - Letters regarding candidates may be sent to the regents
          through Margie Thompson (
          - Search committee members met September 29 with the
          Commissioner of Higher Education to discuss pros and cons of
          each candidate.
          - The Board of Regents meets October 6 to discuss the three
          candidates and hopes to announce the new MSU president at
          that time.
     - The Faculty Council Chair and Chair Elect met with the
     President and Provost today.
          - The Strategic Planning and Budget Committee has received a
          new charge, and additional members have been added to the
          - The President is considering appointments to the Long
          Range Planning Committee.
     - The Hewlett Committee will meet next week to again discuss the
     proposed Center for Excellence.
     - Reversion of faculty lines to the Provost's Office will be
     discussed further.

Faculty Affairs Committee report - David Scheerer.
     - The committee is reviewing material for Faculty Handbook
     Sections 220-260 (Faculty Council and its committees).
          - It was suggested this information be kept in one place and
          cross-referenced so the information is consistent from one
          source to another.
     - The committee is considering a resolution to change
     MSU-Bozeman's pay date to the first of the month from the
     eleventh of the month.

MSU President search - discussion.
     - There was brief discussion of the desired characteristics of
     the three candidates.
     - A motion was made, seconded, and carried, that the meeting go
     into executive session so a discussion of how each candidate
     meets these characteristics may be held and still protect the
     privacy of the candidates.

At the close of the executive session, the meeting adjourned at 5:00

Joann Amend, Secretary              Ron Larsen, Chair