SWINE - 4-H Department ZLP


  1. All breeders and feeders are eligible.
  2. Swine to be trained to be shown and handled by whip, plastic piping, stick, bat or cane. (no tassel whips)
  3. Refer to overall livestock exhibit rules, livestock building rules, livestock sale rules, large animal showmanship rules and 4-H Code of Ethics.
  4. All entries will be veterinarian inspected prior to being penned and/or weighed.


  1. All market swine must be registered in the weigh-in/tag-in process every spring in order to be eligible to show. Members can tag up to 2 (two) hogs, but only 1(one) can be entered as a 4-H Market Swine.
  2. Two options for the spring swine weigh-in/tag-in (you MUST do one of these options):
    1. Option 1: Weigh-in/Tag-in: Bring your market swine project hog(s), breeder information and any necessary paperwork to the spring weigh-in at the fairgrounds. The swine superintendents will assist you with tagging your hog, weigh it and collect breeder information and other paperwork.  Hogs who weigh-in at the fairgrounds will be eligible to participate in the Rate of Gain competition during the fair.
    2. Option 2: Self Tag-in: Prior to the scheduled spring weigh-in/tag-in, members can pick up an ear tag for each market hog at the Valley County Extension Office. It is the responsibility of the member and family to tag each market hog at home. Members are required to bring a color picture showing the market hog(s) with the tag in ear, breeder information and any other required paperwork to the fairgrounds during the scheduled spring weigh-in and turn into the Swine Superintendents.  You do not need to bring your animal to the fairgrounds, only picture and breeder information, etc.  Swine that are entered through a self-tag-in will not be eligible for the Rate of Gain competition. 
  3. At entry day weigh-in, Market Swine are required to weigh a minimum of 200 pounds to be eligible to show in the market class and sell at the Valley County 4-H & FFA Livestock Sale. A feeder class will be created for market swine projects which do not make weight.
  4. Swine will be divided into weight classes by the Swine Superintendents after they have been weighed entry day.
  5.  Barrows and gilts are eligible, may be of any breed or cross.
  6.  Reproductive defect in barrows will be disqualified.
  7.  Cryptorchidism in barrows will be disqualified.
  8.  Refer to the Livestock Sale Rules.
  9.  Swine superintendents may make spot project visits to assist you with the project and check for proper application of ear tags.


Lot Number

  1. One Market Swine

        A Rosette will be awarded to the following:

    Grand & Reserve Champion Market Swine

    Overall Grand & Reserve Champion Market Swine


All breeding swine to be in the possession of the exhibitor by May 15, of current year.  The Exhibitor to be the primary caretaker and trainer.



  1. Hampshire
  2. Yorkshire
  3. Poland
  4. Duroc
  5. Spot
  6. Chester White
  7. Berkshire
  8. Crossbreeds
  9. Other Breeds

Lot Number

  1. Boar - 3 to 6 months of age
  2. Boar - 6 to 12 months of age
  3. Boar - over one year of age
  4. Gilt - 3 to 6 months of age
  5. Gilt - 6 to 12 months of age
  6. Sow - over one year of age
  7. Sow and litter
  8. Litter - 4 or more from same sow
  9. Dam and Daughter - any age - must be shown in individual classes first.

A Rosette will be awarded to the following in each class:

        Grand and Reserve Champion Boar

        Grand and Reserve Champion Female

A Rosette will be awarded to the following:

        Overall Breeds Grand Champion Boar

        Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Boar

        Overall Breeds Champion Female

        Overall Breeds Reserve Champion Female