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Welcome to the 
Junior Master Gardener Program - Grades 4-6               downloadable form

The Junior Master Gardener Program (JMG) is an 8-week youth gardening project designed for students currently in grades 4-6.  JMG offers horticultural and environmental science education, and leadership and life skills development through fun and creative activities.  JMG is committed to helping young people become good gardeners and good citizens thereby encouraging them to make a positive contribution to their families, school and community.

The JMG provides structured time for students; with students learning in a way that enriches the student, their family life and the community.  JMG enhances the academic curriculum of the student and designed to help foster civic responsibility.

Beginning March 25, each MONDAY afternoon from 4:00 – 5:30 p.m.  We will meet in the Community Room of the Valley County Courthouse.  As a parent or guardian, you are asked to promptly pick up your child at 5:30 p.m.

Participants will receive a JMG Handbook which contains individual activities designed to enhance the group activities for every chapter.  We will learn by participation in real time gardening.  There is a charge for the handbook and supplies of $25.  A returning student with a handbook will only have a $15 class fee. We will have a small number of scholarships available.

Classes are scheduled for:  March 25, April 1, 8, 15, 22, 29, May 6, 13.  We do not want to interfere with your evening meal plans; however, we will serve a snack at each meeting.  If your student has food allergies/restrictions, we will need to know this at the time of registration.

Please return the Registration Form to the Valley Co. Extension Office at the Valley County Courthouse in Glasgow

Register no later than March 8, 2024


NAME________________________________________________________  Student Age ________   Student Grade ________   


PARENT or GUARDIAN_________________________________________________________________________________________

BEST CONTACT NUMBER BY PHONE______________________________  or  ______________________________________  

Prefer:     e-mail _____________________________________________________   or   text _______________________________

Parent or Guardian Signature__________________________________________________________________________     

Food Allergies or Restrictions_______________________________________________________________________________________________                                     

Fees can only be paid with cash, check, or money orders we are not able to process debit or credit cards. 

Please make your check payable to Valley County Extension Office.

Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of Educational Outreach.  To request disability accommodation or to inform us of special needs, please contact Valley County Extension Office at 501 Court Square, #12, valley@montana.edu or call 228-6241.