Extension Field Crop Pathology

2021 lentil study. Photo by Dr. Uta McKelvy, larger version available on Twitter.
The Extension Field Crop Pathology program at Montana State University focuses on economic diseases that challenge field crop production in Montana, as well as issues faced in the home landscape.
We provide plant disease and pest identification for agricultural crops, as well as horticultural plants through the Schutter Diagnostic Laboratory and seed testing services for pulse crops through the Regional Pulse Crop Diagnostic Laboratory. We are involved in national and regional collaborative efforts including the National Plant Diagnostic Network and Great Plains Diagnostic Network. These federally funded programs assist us by providing funding for critical equipment and supplies for diagnostics, education training opportunities, IT resources, and opportunities to communicate with diagnosticians and researchers in other states.
We obtain external funding to support our research and outreach programs. We work with researchers, Extension agents, and Montana growers to develop, gather, and share information on diseases of economic importance in Montana and their management. We are part of the MSU Extension Integrated Pest Management program and have established an Urban IPM program to train county agents and landscape professionals about diagnosis and management of plant diseases, insects, and weeds in the home landscape. Our stakeholder-oriented research program focuses on developing research-based, applicable and successful disease management strategies.
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