If the Extension services in your county or reservation offers the Master Gardener program they will determine the time and location of the class. For further information regarding the Montana Master Gardener program in your county contact your local MSU county or reservation Extension office. 

The cost of the Extension Master Gardener courses are determined by the county or reservation Extension service that offers the course. Inquire with your local county or reservation Extension office for more information. 
You must pass both the Level 1 and Level 2 exams with an 80% or better to become certified in that level.

During or upon completion of your training, you will meet with the program coordinator in your county or Reservation to discuss your talents and the needs of Cooperative Extension. You will choose a volunteer placement that will best utilize your knowledge and skills while helping Extension to meet community needs. Volunteer commitments may include but are not limited to: 

  • Answering horticulture questions at local Extension or reservation offices
  • Staffing Clinics
  • Staffing booths at fairs and farmers markets
  • Writing horticulture articles
  • Helping design, install and maintain community flower and vegetable gardens
  • Teaching Master Gardener classes
  • Helping set up Master Gardener classes
  • Applied research through the county Extension office
  • Other volunteer placements that help meet the needs of the community

As a representative of Montana State University, Master Gardener volunteers are expected to conduct themselves in the same manner that all Extension employees follow.  A volunteer who is unable to adhere to the MSU Extension Master Gardener Code of Conduct may be "deselected".  Such decisions will be determined by the county or reservation Extension agent or Master Gardener Coordinator, in conjunction with the state Master Gardener Coordinator. 

You will receive the title “Master Gardener” upon certification of each course level of the program. You may not use the name “Master Gardener” to promote any private entity such as a business or consulting service.  The training and education received from the Montana Master Gardener program may be listed as qualifications on a resume, however, you may only represent yourself as a Master Gardener when you are performing volunteer work for an Extension sponsored program.
In order to be considered a certified Montana Master Gardener you must complete the in-class training, pass the exam and fullfill the volunteer requirement for the level you are participating in.  Details on Montana Master Gardener level requirments can be found on the Volunteering and Certification page.
Unfortunately, Montana does not have a reciprocation policy for those that move to Montana from out-of-state. To become a certified Montana Master Gardener you would have to certify in one of our course levels. 

An active Montana Master Gardener is a Master Gardener of any Level having participated in and tracked volunteer activity during the current calendar year.

The Montana Master Gardener Handbook will be handed out the first day of class and is also available through Montana State University Extension Publications. To purchase the Montana Master Gardener Handbook, contact Extension Publications via the contact information below: 

Distribution Center 
Communications & I.T. 
Po Box 172040
Bozeman, MT 59717 

Tel: (406)994-3273
Fax: (406) 994-2050
Location: 115 Culbertson

Buy online


For further information regarding the Montana Master Gardener program in your county or reservation contact yourlocal MSU Extension Office.
Dara Palmer
PO Box 173140
410 Leon Johnson Hall
Bozeman, MT 59717
Tel: (406) 994-2120 

The Montana State University Extension Service provides many other programs and information including: 

  • 4-H Youth Development
  • AG & Natural Resources
  • Community Development
  • Health & Family
  • Yard & Garden
  • Energy
  • Rural Living
  • Publications
  • Careers in Extension
  • Extension Calendar
  • Pesticide Education