Please consult the Marias Fair 4-H website for a complete listing of rules, this is a summary of pertinent information to know at the beginning of the project.

 Age and enrollment requirements

  • Youth must be 8 years of age by October 1 of the current year to enroll in the market sheep and/or sheep breeding projects. 

Market Lamb Specific

  • Breeds - Any sheep breed is acceptable. 
  • Tagging Deadline - Market animals need to be tagged no later than the deadline set by the Marias Fair 4-H Livestock Committee (May 9, 2021), and the animal needs to be in full possession of the 4-Her at this date.
  • Tagging Procedure - A Marias Fair button with a green numbered tag in one ear is required, this will be administered through the county Extension Office. Should an animal lose their ear tag, a replacement tag must be requested through the Extension Office.
  • Spare – One spare animal may be weighed in/exhibitor, including for a pen of three. In the case of the death of an exhibitor’s Marias Fair market animal(s), the exhibitor may purchase another exhibitor’s officially weighed-in Marias Fair market animal.
  • Livestock Quality Assurance - Livestock Quality Assurance training is required every other year for members, watch your county newsletter for training dates, times, and locations.
  • Minimum weight - The minimum weight for sale at the Marias Fair Livestock Auction is 100 pounds. If an animal is underweight, they may still participate in the showmanship portion of the livestock show and compete in a special feeder class. Underweight animals cannot be sold at the 4-H livestock auction. They may be sold private treaty, but no signs may be posted until after the livestock auction.
  • Maximum weight - The maximum weight for sale is 145 pounds. Any market lamb that weighs over 145 pounds is still eligible for show and sale, but the member will only be paid for 145 pounds.
  • Maximum weight for sale participation - Animals over 185 lbs will not be eligble to be sold at the Marias Fair 4-H Livestock Sale.
  • Show and sale requirements - Showing in market and showmanship classes and the member being present at the sale are required to sell in the 4-H livestock auction.
  • Scrapie tags – All sheep must have scrapie tags.
  • Shearing – All lambs must be sheared 10 – 15 days prior to weigh-in on Wednesday of the fair. 

Questions - Please direct any specific questions to your county extension agricultural agent or Livestock Committee Advising Agents, Jesse Fulbright (, 759-5625) or Kari Lewis (, 873-2239).

Please consult the Marias Fair 4-H website for a complete listing of rules, this is a summary of pertinent information to know at the beginning of the project.

 Age and enrollment requirements

  • Youth must be 8 years of age by October 1 of the current year to enroll in the market sheep and/or sheep breeding projects.

 Sheep Breeding Specific

  • Breed - Sheep breeding projects can be any breed
  • Entries -Members are allowed only one entry per class.
  • Scrapie tags – Scrapie tags are required. All breeding stock must be identifiable with 4-H Clover tattoo, Association registration tattoo number, or Scrapie tag through local Extension Office by the official sheep weigh-in deadline each year (May 9, 2021). If no identifiable tattoo or tag is available, a picture may be submitted instead. The 4-Her needs to have full possession of their animal at this time.
  • Registration Papers – It is encouraged that all rams be registered with their respective breed association.
  • Show format – All sheep breeding animals will be shown at judge’s discretion, either in pen or at halter.

 Questions - Please direct any specific questions to your county extension agricultural agent or Livestock Committee Advising Agents, Jesse Fulbright (, 759-5625) or Kari Lewis (, 873-2239).