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Montana Ag Producer Stress Resource Clearinghouse

A MSU Extension project funded by a grant from the Montana Healthcare Foundation

The Need: Many Montana farmers, ranchers, and their families have reported high feelings of stress, without knowing exactly how to effectively manage it or where to go for further mental health resources. Especially given the high reported rates of stigma that continue to surround these issues, the lack of an online, central place where individuals can anonymously access stress and mental health resources presents a problem.

Meeting that Need: Web Clearinghouse has been online sinceApril 2020

MSU Extension created an online clearinghouse of evidence-based tools, information, and professional resources so that Montana farmers, ranchers, and their families can better understand the causes of their stress, how to manage their stress more effectively, how to talk to a loved one that needs assistance, or where to go for professional help in their area.

The Montana Ag Producer Stress Clearinghouse Website has had 12,553 page views*

Information viewed by visitors to the Clearinghouse*

What is Stress?

210 visitors spent average of 2 minutes learning about stress

Manage Your Stress

673 visitors spent an average of 2.56 minutes reading about ways to manage their stress, which include eating well, seeking help, getting enough sleep, decreasing alcohol consumption, and exercising.

Determine Your Stress Level

As of October 20, 2033, 204 Surveys were taken to determine stress level

Get Help Now

192 visitors have looked at the professional mental health resources to help friends and family in immediate need of assistance.


Informational Marketing:

Over 5000 wallet cards, and 3000 magnets and 2700 stress ball animals  that provide links to and information on the clearinghouse have been distributed around Montana. MSU Specialist in Health & Wellness and Mental Health have provided radio and television interviews and presentations throughout Montana on Ag Producer Stress. 


*Between April 1,2020 and September 30, 2020

farm stress illustration

msu extension logo

mt healthcare foundation logo

ag producer stress magnet