October 2022 Newsletter (Printable PDF)



  • October 2nd– 8th– Share your 4-H story on Facebook, Twitter, or Instagram using #EXPLORETHETREASURESOF4-H
  • October 3rd– Window Displays will be judged. Make sure that you send in photos to the Office e-mail listed below.
  • October 5thWearing Green– Make sure to snap a picture and send it to the office. Each person in the photo wearing green will be entered in a drawing for a prize!


All pictures can be sent to falloncarter2@montana.edu.

2nd annual I pledge my health to better living color run

OCTOBER 2, 2022

Grand Stands of the Fallon County Fairgrounds

1:00 pm

Come out & enjoy an 

 afternoon of fun!!

Everyone is welcome!

For more information please contact

MSU Extension Fallon–Carter at 406-778-7110.

The Montana State University Extension Service is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of Educational Outreach.


All Carter and Fallon County 4-H Clubs must turn the following financial records into the Extension Office by Tuesday, November 1, 2022.


  • Checkbook & bank statements from the past 12 months
  • All receipts from the past 12 months
  • Copy of reimbursement forms from Council, Club, or Extension.
  • Bank statements of any savings account and/or certificates of deposit
  • Any additions or corrections to your current inventory list
  • The 4-H Club Treasurer’s Book from the 2021-2022 4-H year
  • Treasurer’s Yearly Summary Report


If you have any questions, please contact the Office.


Youth ages 5-7 by October 1st, 2022

Adults that would like to Volunteer

Cloverbuds is a 4-H program for youth ages 5-7 that  allows them to explore 4-H prior to being eligible to    become a full fledge 4-H member.


This year in Cloverbuds we will focus on a different Country every week. We will learn about the Country’s culture, create snacks that are unique to the country, keep our records in a passport book, make crafts, and the most important thing we will do is have FUN.

Cloverbuds will start in January and go through May

  • Carter County will be the 2nd and 4th Tuesday from 3:45-4:45 p.m. (Event Center)
  • Fallon County will be the 1st and 3rd Tuesday from 4:00-5:00 p.m. (Library Basement)

Please contact the Office for instruction on how to enroll by December 21, 2022.


October 21-23, 2022– Great Falls, MT

Fall Leadership Training is the annual leadership development retreat for Montana 4-H Ambassadors and Teen Leaders. The event is planned, implemented, and evaluated by the State Ambassador Officer Team. Youth will leave the weekend prepared and excited to take the knowledge and skills they have gained and apply them in their counties. It is also a great place to have youth leaders exchange ideas and create a statewide network of resources. 



¨  $175, including lodging (2 to a room) meals Saturday and Sunday breakfast and program costs. Adult chaperones will have lodging options during registration. 


- Registration and check-in 3:30-5:30pm Friday evening

- Opening Program 6:00 PM Friday evening

-Wrap up program after breakfast approx. 10:30 AM Sunday morning.



Enrollment will OPEN on October 1st.

Please do not begin enrollment before this date. 

I know many of you are ready to get re-enrollment completed and off your list, but, again, please wait until after October 1st. 

Below are instructions for re-enrollment and new enrollment. If you have any difficulty enrolling or do not have access to a web browser, please contact the office and we would be glad to help.


New 4-H Families

  1. Using your computer, smart phone, or other device go to 4h.zsuite.org
  2. Click Sign Up. Complete all of the fields.Click LET'S GO
  3. Arrive at your HOUSEHOLD DASHBOARD and begin adding family members. Click on the name of the family member you want to enroll, click on the blue "start enrollment" button and follow the steps.
  4. Complete the personal information, waivers, club and projects and hit SUBMIT.


Re-Enrolling 4-H Families

  1. Using your computer, smart phone or other device go to 4h.zsuite.org
  2. Use your login information from last year. Click LET'S GO.
  3. Arrive at your HOUSEHOLD DASHBOARD. Click on the name of the family member you want to re-enroll, click on the blue "start enrollment" button and follow the steps.
  4. Complete/Update the personal information, waivers, club and projects and hit SUBMIT.


Please feel free to contact the office if you have any issues with your enrollments or you are welcome to chat with the ZSuite team by clicking the chat box button at the bottom of the website.


The first person to come in or call the office and answer the following question will win a 4-H water bottle!

Question: What year was 4-H formed?

Bonus Question: Where was 4-H formed (County/State)?

Thank you to last months winners: Ellen Beach  and Breannah Crisler


Here are some fun facts about your local Extension staff!

What is your favorite color? Amanda– Green, Alexis– Turquoise, Kodie– Turquoise

What is your favorite meal? Amanda– Spaghetti/ Lasagna, Alexis– Pasta, Kodie– Fajitas

What is your favorite snack? Amanda– Snickers, Alexis– Dill Pickle Chips, Kodie– Reese's Pieces

What do you have for pets? Amanda– 1 Cat, Alexis– 3 Dogs & 3 Horses, Kodie– 3 Dogs & 1 Cat

How many siblings? Amanda– 1 Sister, Alexis– 1 Sister, Kodie– 1 Sister & 1 Brother


This is an opportunity for 7th and 8th grade students to be granted an interest free loan to purchase 5 bred heifers. The loan re-payment schedule will also be structured to defer the first payment until the end of the second year of the 5 year loan.

Applications are due October 14, 2022 and can be found at the Extension Office or on-line at www.dakotacommunitybank.com and clicking community. 



Youth must be 9 years old by October 1st  and enrolled in the project to participate . Youth must complete air rifle before they are eligible to take air pistol. Youth must be 11 years old by October 1st to enroll in air pistol. All youth MUST be enrolled in 4-H before participating in 4-H Shooting Sports.


Fallon County Sign-Up Meeting– November 7, 2022– 6 pm– Gun Range

Carter County Sign-Up Meeting– TBD– Event Center

Carter County achievement day is November 6th, 2022 at 1:30

Fallon County achievement night is October 30th, 2022 at 5


Mark called the quarterly Fallon County Joint Livestock Committee meeting to order at 5:34 pm. The pledges were stated, and Kodie presented the April minutes. Tara made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and Amanda seconded, motion passed.

Extension Report: Kodie gave out the fair packets and asked the leaders to remind their members to stop by and pick them up. Amanda let the group know that the office had hired a new administrative assistant, Alexis Rising, and that she would be starting August 30.

Fair Board Update: Shyla gave a brief update on what has been happening at the fairgrounds and let the committee know that she appreciated all the help that has been offered.

Old Business: Kodie presented the committee with the prices for the livestock buyer’s gifts. Wanda made a motion to purchase 150 portfolios from Sew What. Alissa seconded the motion and the motion passed. Kodie let the group know that everyone had completed their AQA for the year. Kodie discussed with the group about the pictures for the DV Auction on-line program. She asked that parents/ leaders please encourage the kids to take nice photos as that is what the buyer will see. Mark gave a short update on the pen back pens and said that they would be ready for fair. Kodie presented the group with the prices for the different options they have for the grand/ reserve signs. Wanda made a motion to purchase the plexie glass wall signs from Boss, Jaeda seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Amanda let the committee know that there would be no restrictions on showing poultry at the fair.

New Business: Kodie presented the stall map and let everyone know that there would not be tack stalls this year but encouraged them to use the stall below the south bleachers. Tara confirmed that Pifer’s would be sending an auctioneer and ringmen to help with the sale. Roddy gave an update on the swine premium option, Hanging W meats will set a premium of $.75/ lb. Alissa made a motion to accept Hanging W Meats offer, Tara seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Kodie passed out a handout of all the areas that would need volunteers and Amanda asked if there were any families that would be willing to help haul animals on Sunday. Amanda let the group know that barn set-up day would be July 27 and that anyone that could help would be appreciated. The golden pitchfork was discussed, and sponsors were selected, Beef- Jeanie Tronstad, Goat- Kelly & Tara Turbiville, Swine- Crisler Family, Sheep and Poultry- JA Miller Trucking. Kodie let the committee know that Spring Creek Supply would be sponsoring the carcass awards. Amanda let the committee know that the barn clean-up day has been set for August 23.

Kodie asked the committee if they would be willing to move the October meeting to the 11 as it is currently scheduled on a holiday. Roddy made a motion to move the October meeting to the 11, Tara seconded the motion, and the motion passed. Mark asked if there was any other business, seeing none the meeting was adjourned.


Tuesday, October 11, 2022– 5:30 pm– Library Basement


Agenda Items:

  • 2022 Fallon County Fair
  • Beef weigh-in date & location
  • Election of Committee Chairman and Secretary
  • Policy & Procedure Recommendations


Call to order- 5:35 pm by Tara Turbiville

County Extension Update

  • Record Book- Record books need to be up to date by August 10th –  organizational leader needs to make sure these are done

Fair Board Update- Shyla Hadley: Fair books are out for open class in the office and online; discussion of rules about how it reads about treating the judges and enforcement of the rules; there will be a vet for onsite during the weigh ins.


  • Food Booth (Alissa Miller) discussion on where we are at with the food booth
  • Publicity (Ambassadors) Breannah reported there will be a dance on Aug 17th with snacks and prizes from 8:30-11 at the clock square- all families are welcome.
  • Livestock Committee – Kodie read the minutes. Kodie showed the design for the grand and reserve signs on the pens. Kodie passed around the barn pen setup
  • Jaelyn was wondering if you can put an animal in the silent auction, such as a breeding project. Carol pointed out that it originally started as an indoor only, but it doesn’t have to be; Kodie read the rules from the fair book; discussion took place; table for now and discuss for next year and include Liz.
  • County Events Reports and Update –Toni reported on the Horse judging had a good turn out; Amanda reported on weed pull, it was rained out and so they went over info at weed shop, next year the county event will be structured differently.

Old Business

  • 4-H Camp Report – 12 kids from Fallon County.
  • OREO Trip Report – 1 kid from Fallon County and 2 from Carter County went.
  • Congress Report – no kids from Fallon County but 2 from Carter went.

New Business

  • Indoor Judges Meal (Project Interviews)- moved by Roddy and seconded by Stephanie to spend $10/judge for meals.
  • Indoor Project Awards – Kodie asked that we give an award system to the indoor entries as we do for the animals such as monetary or buckle ($110 for Grand and $90 for Reserve); discussion took place; Carol moves to let Kodie proceed with her idea to give a monetary prize for the Grand and Reserve Champions, Toni seconded-motion approved
  • Workdays-Set-up- July 27- 8 am and additional days as needed. Clean-up- August 23- 8am
  • 4-H Week Promotion: We decided to go with window decorating. October 2-8
  • Selection Committee for Election of President and Secretary – Executive committee is needed to get nominations


Monday, October 17, 2022– 5:30 pm– Exhibit Hall


Parents, leaders and members are welcome and encouraged to attend. Agenda Items include:

  • Committee Reports
  • Committee and County Event sign up– Clubs will sign-up for County Events in the following order:

Tumbling Tumbleweeds (Achievement Night), Country Pals, Fertile Prairie, Kidz-N-Kritters, Country Cousins, and Red Butte Ramblers.

  • Election of President-(2 year term)Please contact the Extension Office with nominations
  • Election of Secretary-(2 year term)Please contact the Extension Office with nominations