July 2022 Newsletter (Printable PDF)

Dear 4-H Families,

Many items were left at Camp Needmore after 4-H Camp this year. Please contact the MSU Extension Fallon-Carter Counties Office if you are missing any items.

Also, as we near fair, this month is a great time to get your record book up-to-date. Please see article for more information on what is required.

We hope that you enjoy your 4th of July and stay safe!

Kodie & Amanda


Southeast Montana 4-H Camp was held at Camp Needmore June 7th-9th.  170 youth and 14 teen counselors from Carter, Custer, Dawson, Fallon, Garfield, McCone, Powder River, Prairie, Rosebud-Treasure, and Wibaux Counties in Montana attended.

Thank you to our amazing volunteers and teen counselors for making it a successful camp!

The Montana State University Extension Service is an ADA/EO/AA/Veteran’s Preference Employer and Provider of Educational Outreach.



Camp Needmore

Tentative Schedule for the Day:

7:00 AM            Meet at Carter or Fallon County Weed Shop

8:00 AM Arrive at Camp Needmore

8:15 AM Introductions - Fallon & Carter County Weed Departments

8:30 AM Weed ID - Fallon & Carter County Weed Departments

Plant ID and Anatomy

Soil Texture and Ecological Sites

Plant Inventory and Analysis

12:00 PM Lunch

2:30 PM Range Competition

Age Categories

Novice: 9-11 years old

Junior: 12-14 years old

Seniors: 15-19 years old

3:30 PM Range Contest Awards

4:00 PM Closing-Head to Town

5:00 PM Arrive At County Shops

Lots of great prizes and door prizes will be available!

MSU Extension Fallon-Carter Counties

(406) 778-7110 or falloncarter2@montana.edu


Record books must be up-to-date by August 10th for Fallon County in order to show at fair and Organizational Leaders will be checking them. The Extension office would like to invite you to stop by the office if you need help getting your record book up-to-date. To set up an appointment  please call the office at 406-778-7110.

Things that should be complete before showing at the fair

  • “My 4-H Year” Record (green sheet)

- Update all sections in the “My 4-H Year” form.

- Enter “none” for sections of the form for which you have no entries.

- List at least 3 goals for the 4-H year. These should be non-project goals

Examples: leadership, citizenship, community service, other.

  • “My Animal Project” (purple sheet) & “My Non-Animal Project” (blue sheet) for each project enrolled in.

- List at least 3 goals for each project.

- Include all major events related to your project (activities, what you did, what you made, what you accomplished).

-Update all sections of the form.


Fair packets will be ready Monday July 5th  for pick-up from the office.  Fallon County Fair packets not picked up will be given to the Organizations Leaders at the Fallon County 4-H Council meeting July 18th and they will distribute them to members.  Carter County packets will be mailed to the Organizational Leaders and they will distribute them to members. Please take note of the items listed below as some items have changed.

Fair Packet Contents

  • Fair Book and Entry Form- Please review the schedule and class as there have been changes to both.

- Carter County Fair Entry Due– Monday, August 8th  by 6:00 p.m.

- Fallon County Fair Entry Due– Wednesday, August 10th by 5:00 p.m

  • Livestock Sale Buyer Invitation Guide & Livestock Sale Information Trifold– Trifold should be mailed to potential buyers with a personal invitation.

- If you need an address for a buyer, please contact the office.

  • Bill of Sale– All Market Beef exhibitors will need to provide a bill of sale at weigh-in.
  • Market Animal Release and Informational Letter– Please make sure that you review the informational letter and bring the animal release to fair weigh-ins.

Carter County

  • Decorated Cake Auction– Please review the guidelines and schedule.

Fallon County

  • Food Booth Schedule and Guidelines– Please make sure that you review the schedule on the times that you will be working the food booth.
  • Meal tickets– The appreciation breakfast will be on Sunday for all the 4-H and FFA youth and families.

Project Interview Pamphlet- Please review the pamphlet for new procedure and dress requirements


Stall Reservations Due:


Please return stall reservation forms to the MSU Extension Fallon-Carter Counties office or e-mail to falloncarter2@montana.edu




Minimum Fair Weight

Market Beef

1000 pounds

Market Goat

50 pounds

Market Lamb

90 pounds

Market Swine

200 ponds



Minimum Fair Weight

Market Beef

900 pounds

Market Goat

50 pounds

Market Lamb

90 pounds

Market Swine

200 ponds


This is an elite overall award that is given to individuals that have the highest score from 5 categories.


  • Contest is open to 4-H & FFA Youth in the Market Beef, Sheep, Goat, or Swine, Rabbit, or Poultry Projects.
  • The 4-H /FFA member must have a score in each of the 5 areas.
  • Youth are encouraged to participate, but it is not required.
  • Youth can compete in all the projects they are enrolled in.
  • Youth must have met AQA requirements.


- LIVE MARKET SHOW PLACING– This must be the same animal that is entered in the animal performance contest and must be declared prior to any judging.

- ANIMAL PERFORMANCE (Beef, Goat, Sheep, Swine)- All animals will be placed by either their carcass grading or ultrasound and ranked according to Montana Carcass Contest Guidelines.

- WRITTEN TEST (Rabbit and Poultry) - Test must be completed by said date. Tests will be given for three age categories. Test questions will be from the Fairbook, livestock quality assurance, project manuals, and record books, Must receive a 80 % or better.

- SHOWMANSHIP PLACING- Additional points will be awarded to those that win the Round Robin showmanship contest.

- INDOOR FAIR EXHIBIT- Exhibit must be on project area.  Additional points will be given to those that complete projects interviews and win a Champion of Champions Award in Fallon County.

- RECORD BOOKS -Evaluations cannot be done by youth’s 4-H leader or parent, and will be reviewed by Extension. Record books must be turned in on time, late record books will not be evaluated. Record books must be deemed complete .


Thank you to all the youth that participated and thank you to all the leaders and volunteers that made this a great event!



Both Carter County and Fallon County 4-H members can enter the Carter County Fair.  Members are asked to turn in their entry sheets by 6:00 pm Monday, August 8TH to your Carter County Fair Secretary.


  • When you turn in your Carter County entry form it will be considered complete. If you are unsure if you will exhibit in a certain class, please write it down anyway.  It can be taken off but not added on later.


  • Members will pick up entry tags and find out their exhibitor number from the Fair Secretary. Complete your project labels for all indoor exhibits and place on the back of your entry tags.


  • Any member entering Open Class Livestock must turn in an entry sheet before the fair. 4-H and FFA exhibits are not eligible to be entered into Open Class animal classes.


  • Please indicate on your entry blanks, pens and\or stalls and how many you will need for your animals you will be entering in both 4-H and Open Class.


  • Read your fair book to find a judging schedule for the various projects.


  • Photography has a maximum of 50 entries per entrant.


Please contact the MSU Extension Fallon-Carter Counties Office with any questions or suggestions.


Carter County 4-H members are invited to bring a decorated cake

to the fair and auction it off during the Youth Livestock Sale.


FAIR THEME: “Carter County Where the West Was Won”




  • Participants must list “Decorated Cake” on their fair entry form.


  • All members that complete the previous year’s record book are eligible to participate.


  • Cake decorations should depict the fair theme.


  • Have your cake on display in the fair exhibit hall by 10:00 am Saturday for Peoples' Choice voting.


  • All cake sellers will need to be present at 12:00 pm to have their picture taken with their cake.


  • Be prepared to present your cake at the Sale, Saturday, August 13TH at 3:30 pm. sale!

Please make sure to review the schedule and exhibits in the fair book as they have had some updates and changes made to them.



The quarterly meeting of the Fallon County Joint Livestock Committee was called to order at 5:37 pm by Roddy Rost. Pledges were led by Sidny Scherman. Wanda made a motion to approve the minutes as presented and Stephanie seconded. Motion passed.


Extension Report: Kodie passed around a sheet that had all the youth that still need AQAs for the year. She explained that they would like to offer a general AQA and would like to have it follow the sheep/ goat weigh-ins.


Old Business: The fair book cover contest ends on April 15th and Kodie had the committee pick out their top 3 to present to the council. Kodie asked if the committee had any buyer gift ideas. There was discussion about local gift cards, Baker Bucks, and portfolios. Kodie will contact Sew What about prices for the portfolios and report back at the July meeting. Wanda made a motion to recommend to the council that we purchase grand/ reserve signs that are metal and vinyl lettering to replace all the signs. Stephanie seconded the motion and the motion passed. Cele reported that her FFA class had received the metal to start building the pen back pens.


New Business:  Amanda informed the group that the state has set a rule that there be no poultry shows until June 7th due to the Avian Flu outbreak in Montana. The committee discussed that if the youth were not able to show at fair that they would be encouraged to make a poster for their animal and would still be able to sell during the livestock sale.  Wanda made a motion to use DV Auction and Katrinka seconded the motion. Motion passed. Amanda said that she had spoken to Justin Tupper and he said he would send an auctioneer if we needed one. Tara said that she had spoken to Scott Buckmaier and Phifer Auction and they are willing to be the auctioneers and they would also bring the ringmen. Wanda asked if they would charge us anything and Tara was going to check on that. Amanda also said that Justin was willing to set the premium on the swine. Roddy was going to contact Jake with Hanging W Meats to see if they would be interested in setting the premium. Wanda made a motion to have all beef, goat, sheep, and swine market livestock families be on a rotation for hauling livestock. Stephanie seconded the motion and the motion passed. Kodie let the committee know that she had contacted all the processors and they have us penciled in on their calendars. Kodie presented Mark Kirschten’s suggestions, and the committee agreed to add that doe/weathers may be shown in the market goat class and that goats must be castrated. It was suggested that the committee review the layout of the barn to see if there would be a way to make more room for the livestock. It was decided to set the sheep/goat weigh-ins for June 3rd at 5 pm to 7 pm with the AQA to follow. It was suggested that Jason Oberlander be nominated for the Friends of 4-H award.


Roddy asked if there was any further business. Seeing none, Wanda made a motion to adjourn the meeting and Stephanie seconded the motion. Motion passed. The next quarterly meeting will be held July 11, 2022 at 5:30 pm.




Agenda Items: Buyer’s gifts, Pen Back Pen Update, Poultry at Fair, Auctioneer Update, Swine Premium Update, Livestock Haulers, Fair Packets, Fair Help, Golden Pitchfork Award Sponsors, Workday, and Stall Map.



The meeting was called to order at 5:35 PM. Reading and approval of minutes from January Council meeting: Motion to approve by Stephanie and Seconded by Breanna; approved. Treasurer's report: Stephanie reported on fruit sales-had to transfer from savings to cover checks and not all the money is all received from sales.  Fair Board Update: Shyla reported that they have lost Floyd over the weekend. She will need help in guiding the next person as Floyd did a lot more than what was in his job description. The board accepted our fair revisions that were recommended.


County Extension Update

Add/ Drop Packets: Have each member sign and date. Due to the Extension Office June 1!!: Sheets look a little different and is detailed in letter on how to fill out.


Committee Reports

Food Booth (Alissa Miller) Ice Cream Machine: Wanda motioned to purchase; seconded by Stephanie. Newer Freezer: Wanda motioned to give the food booth the ability purchase a newer freezer up to $600; Stephanie seconded it

Livestock Committee: Kodie reported with the minutes. Grand/ Reserve Signs: New signs will be made out of vinyl and metal from Sew What; motion made by Wanda to purchase signs as recommended by Kodie; Roddy seconded; motion carried: Roddy motioned to move livestock money to cover costs for signs; seconded by Wanda

Special Awards (Carol Sparks/Wanda Pinnow)  Friend of 4-H and 4-H Alumni Award Nominations: Jolinda Allerding was suggested as nominee; voted and approved


Old Business

Policy Handbook Changes: Kodie asked if anyone has anything more to change other than what we have voted on over the year.

Fair Book Revisions- Review changes made in January meeting. Proposed changes from Livestock Meeting: Roddy moved that you could show a whether or a doe and the goats must be castrated; Wanda seconded; motion passed


New Business 4-H Trips: Youth are eligible for financial support from the 4-H Council for 4-H Trips, youth must participate in all 4-H Council Fundraisers by selling a minimum of 5 items in the Fruit sale and working 4 hours in the 4-H Fair Food Booth: Kodie reported that they are going back to old camp ways. 4-H Camp (June 7-9, 2022)- Registration Due May 11th. Congress (July 12-16, 2022) : Applications are due June 2nd


Next Fallon County 4-H Council Meeting:  July 18th—5:30 pm– Exhibit Hall


JULY 18, 2022– 5:30 PM– EXHIBIT HALL


Agenda Items: Fair Packets, Livestock Committee Report, Food Booth Report, Project Interviews/ Indoor Judges, 4-H Camp Report, OREO Trip Report, County Event Report, Fair Help, Friends of 4-H/ Alumni Award, and Other Business.