Chouteau County
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
2024 MSU Extension Highlights
Chouteau County, established in 1865, was one of the original nine counties of the Montana Territory. Once the largest county in the Montana Territory and second largest in the United States, Chouteau County covers 3,972 square miles. With a population of almost 6,000, Fort Benton, Big Sandy, Geraldine and Highwood are the largest communities, with smaller communities in Carter, Loma, Floweree, Shonkin and Square Butte. As part of the Golden Triangle, agricultural production and related businesses are the top industries in Chouteau County.
Family & Consumer Science
Connections Through Food
A Cooking with Kids series was offered to help kids learn skills about kitchen safety and create their own snacks or meals, and a positive reaction after the series was unexpected. Janell Barber, MSU Extension agent and president of the Fort Benton Woman’s Club partnered to offer a once-a-month series in response to a concern about local elementary students not having a place to go after school, which also meant no afterschool snacks. Longer-term objectives included sharing the skills necessary for kids to gain confidence in making their own snacks and meals. The primary focus was on locally grown foods, cooking from scratch or, mostly from scratch, low-cost snack and meal options with an emphasis on in-season foods, as well as options with higher nutritional value.
Each month, participants learned at multiple stations, preparing a different food item with help from adults. Afterward, they ate what they made and took home what was left. Feedback from teachers and parents reflected how excited the kids were about what they made and learned and liked the most and least. One fourth grader said they would tell their mom that pie crust was not at all as difficult as she said it was to make. The cooking class was the reason one participant came to school that day. Recipes were sent home with the kids so they could make the recipe to share with families and friends. One participant, instead of eating the snack, shared it with their teacher. More sessions will be held during the school year.
Caption: Grinding local blue corn
Credit: Janell Barber
Agriculture & Natural Resources
Education and events support agriculture
Agricultural education and outreach for farmers was provided throughout the year.
- During the Golden Triangle Cropping Seminar, 38 producers learned about crop rotations for dryland systems, vertebrate pest control, physical therapy on the farm, weed resistance and emerging weeds, and marketing of wheat, barley and pulses. After the seminar, participants said they will promote crop rotations on their operation and will time their Richardson ground squirrel management.
- Updated 70 producers on Integrated Pest Management (IPM) of grasshopper pests at conferences in Shelby and Cutbank.
- Presented to 25 producers on IPM of Knapweeds in Choteau.
- Enhanced management and education help individuals and families improve their quality of life through increased economic stability. Two producers stated that soil moisture monitoring is very important to a decision to re-crop or leave the land in fallow. If a crop were seeded in very dry conditions, the producer could lose that crop and lose moisture for a winter wheat crop that could have been fall-seeded. Deciding correctly based on soil moisture data could save a producer $90,000 in crop losses if a drought were to occur (500 acres at 30 bushel per acre at $6 per acre).
- Chouteau County Agricultural Business Day in Fort Benton was held in November. This event is a collaborative effort between FFA and Chouteau County MSU Extension. Both Chouteau County Extension Agents presented career information to the students. A total of 20 agricultural-related businesses educated 50 students on employment opportunities to promote growth in local agricultural-related careers.
Caption: Tyler Lane talking to a student
Credit: Janell Barber
Family & Consumer Science
Your Legacy, Your Decision - Estate Planning
Marsha Goetting, Professor and Extension Family Economics Specialist at Montana State University, presented three informative sessions in Big Sandy and Fort Benton in February 2024. Participants learned about Montana law scenarios to determine the distribution of individual property after death. They learned why it is important to make proper designations while they are living so estate distribution happens the way they planned. More than half of the 58 participants indicated they needed to make changes after attending the session, even if they currently had a will.
Caption: Estate Planning Session in Fort Benton
Credit: Janell Barber
1308 Franklin St.
Fort Benton, MT 59442
Montana State University Extension is an ADA/EO/AA Veteran’s Preference Employer and provider of educational outreach.