Pseudotsuga menziesii


CLASSIFICATION Evergreen conifer

HABIT/SIZE Pyramidal; open; tiered branches; lower branches drooping; large tree 80 to 150 feet tall

LEAVES Spirally arranged but may appear two-ranked; shiny; two stomatal white bands on underside of needles; one inch long; flattened; blue green to grey green

FRUIT/SEED/CONE Female (seed) cones on the tips of branches; pendulous; tan; three to four inches long with obvious three-pronged bracts protruding between scales

BARK Thick, fissured; reddish-brown in maturity


Large green conifer with an irregular pyramidal shape in front of house.    

Close-up of golden-brown cone with 3-pronged bracts protruding between scales.

Photo of shiny bright, flattened, green needles.    

A close-up of deeply furrowed grey bark on a trunk.