Tropidosteptes spp.



DAMAGE/SYMPTOMS Plant bugs puncture the plant tissue and cause stippling on the upper surface of the leaf. Some of these areas will coalesce to form larger chlorotic spots. The bugs leave brown fecal spots on the underside of the leaf. If infestations are heavy, leaves can become severely distorted and drop to the ground.

LIFE CYCLE Plant bugs lay eggs under loose bark. The nymphs hatch in late April or early May and begin to feed on lower leaves. The adults mature by early June and insert eggs along the leaf midribs. There are typically two generations per year.

MANAGEMENT The damage from this plant bug is usually minor and the trees will recover. Smaller trees can be shaken, or water can be used to dislodge the nymphs when they are present on the leaves earlier in the year.


A Ash plant bug damage.


Plant bug stippling on an ash leaf.