Poultry is designed to help you learn about chickens and other poultry. Through this project, you will acquire an understanding of scientific poultry management and marketing practices, and gain business experience and insight into the values and principles of purchasing, marketing, financial record keeping and obtaining credit. In addition, this project will help you understand the poultry industry and its role in agriculture and the economy.
Poultry, Level 1
Learn about poultry and egg parts, breeds, costs to raise poultry, how to prepare for chicks, how to care for and handle birds, how to select pullets, show poultry and more. You’ll be learning about yourself, too. Learn how to speak to groups, work with other people, make decisions, take risks, plan, organize and be responsible.
This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.
M Scratching the Surface, BU6363
Poultry, Level 2
This level offers new challenges and opportunities to explore a range of activities. Learn about egg production, the skeletal structure of birds, pecking orders, and how to: select and judge broilers, recognize a healthy flock, prevent diseases of poultry flocks, select breeding pens, read a feed tag, make an egg candler and build a budget.
This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.
M Testing Your Wings, BU6364
Poultry, Level 3
Learn about how to organize a judging clinic, how to manage a laying flock, how genetics influence poultry characteristics, how to handle poultry products safely, how to process chickens for food, about advances in biotechnology and careers in the poultry industry.
This level may take up to three years to complete. You must complete a minimum of seven activities and three learning experiences each year to complete this project.