Adopted May 10, 2016 by the Montana 4-H Shooting Sports Advisory Council.

This document is an addendum to the Montana 4-H Archery Rules which are automatically incorporated herein. The Montana 4-H Archery Rules shall prevail over National Governing Body Rules and in the event of a difference between Montana 4-H Archery Rules and this document, this document shall prevail for this event only.

The purpose of this event is to select 4-H Archers to represent Montana at the National Shooting Sports Invitational for the current year in the Olympic Recurve and Unlimited Bow Divisions. Four Team Members and one Alternate may be selected based on the results if this Qualifying Event.

Participants in this Event must be Montana 4-H Members in good standing (Member Number Required) and currently enrolled in the 4-H Archery Project supervised by a Certified Archery Project Leader. Members must be of age 14 to 19 on January 1 of the current year to qualify for the National 4-H Shooting Sports event. Members who are at least age 13 by January 1 of the current year may participate for practice only.

Reminder: Range finders and all electronic devices are prohibited on the ranges -includes phones, music devices, etc. (See Montana 4-H Archery Rules.) Range Officials may have phones for management and safety purposes. This is an outdoor event. Hip Quivers are required. Please check the weather forecast and dress accordingly. Dress code will be enforced. Alcohol, cannabis, or tobacco logos or text, inappropriate language, unsportsmanlike slogans, sleeveless sweatshirts, bare midriffs etc. will not be tolerated.

Participants are required to wear shoes that completely cover the foot. Examples of footwear not acceptable include, but not limited to: open-toe shoes, sandals, clogs, crocks, flip-flops, sox only, and bare feet.


Coaches may assist participants during prep time. Once scoring ends begin, no coaching is permitted and Coaches and parents may not handle equipment or assist in any way. In case of equipment failure, the Archer may ask the Range Master to contact a Coach for assistance.

Bow Divisions

The two Bow Divisions for this event will be Unlimited Bow and Olympic Recurve: Unlimited Bow (UB): Any bow with mechanical release aid, stabilizers of any length, V- bar, any sight including movable sights or sights with a lens, and written information. Sight may be adjusted any time during the round, but only by the Archer. (Not a Coach.) Olympic Recurve (OR): Recurve bow with finger release, clicker, kisser buttons, V-bar, stabilizers of any length and any length single movable sight with written information or multiple pin fixed sight. Sight may not incorporate a prism, lens, or leveling device. String peeps are not allowed. Sight may be adjusted anytime during the round but only by the Archer. (Not a coach.)


Double Scoring shall be used for all three events: Each Archer will have two score cards. Archers shoot and score together in groups of four. (three if uneven) One Archer will call the scores (“Caller”), two Archers will record the scores (“Recorders”), and the fourth, if present, will check the caller (“Checker”). Disputes should be solved by the four Archers if possible, but if not, the Range Master or a Scoring Judge may be consulted. The Official’s decision is final. The Recorders must compare scorecards and the scorecards must be identical before the target or arrows are touched by anyone.


The score of an arrow shall be determined by the position of the shaft, not the hole. An arrow touching a scoring line shall receive the score inside the line (higher score). If a line is missing or deformed the score is based on the original position of the line. No one may touch an arrow or the target until all arrows are scored and the scorecards complete and agreed upon.

Events and Timing

The three sections of this event are shortened versions of each National Event (FITA, Field, and 3D Rounds).

The equipment check (see current Montana 4-H Archery Rules) will be between 8:00 and 9:00 a.m. FITA competition will start at 9:00 a.m. After lunch we will break into groups and go through the Field Course, take a break, and then the 3-D Course, finishing up with a de- briefing. The winners will be announced after the de-briefing. We should be finished at approximately 5:00 p.m.

FITA Round (1/4 FITA)


122 cm FITA face at 60 & 50 meters, And 80 cm FITA face at 40 & 30 meters, full color FITA targets.

Range and Distances

60, 50, 40, and 30 meters in that order. Archers straddle the Shooting Line and operate under Standard FITA Range Commands.

Course of Fire

3 Ends of 6 arrows each from 60 and 50meters;

Ends of 3 arrows each from 40 and 30meters. There will be one practice End at each distance.

Archers will shoot in groups of 3 or 4 on each target, two at a time. Archers 1 & 2 will shoot first on the first End, and Archers 3 and 4 will shoot first on the second End, alternating each End until the completion of the Round.

Spotting scopes and field glasses are permitted in the FITA Round. Archers shoot standing, straddling the Shooting Line.

Time Limit

Minutes per 6 arrow End; 2.5 minutes per 3 arrow End.


10 to 1 from the center outward. An arrow in the inner 10 will be marked as 10X and a miss as M. Ties will be broken first by the number of 10s including inner 10s (10Xs), then the number of X’s, then 9’s, then 8’s, etc. until tie is broken. If still tied, the tied competitors will receive the same Placement Score, and the next Placement Score is skipped. (For example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 6th,….)

NGB Rules Information   


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Field Round (1/4 Field Round)


NFAA targets of sizes selected by the management and appropriate to the course. There will be 15 targets with at least one fan, one short walk-up, and one long walk-up target.

Range and Distances

Marked distances within the range of 5 to 60 yards per standard NFAA Field layout.

Course of Fire

4 arrows per target per Archer. All 4 of an Archer’s arrows go into a single target face, except for the Close Walk-up (one arrow in each face), and the Fan if two target faces are present (two arrows in the right target face from the right positions, and 2 in the left target face from the left positions.)

Archers will proceed through the Field Range in Groups of 3 or 4 as directed by the Tournament Master. Archers will take turns shooting first, second, etc. with the first archer going to the end of the line (shooting last) on the next target, the second archer moving up to first and so on. “A” “shotgun start” is standard.

Archers shoot standing, with toe nearest the target behind the Shooting Line. Field glasses are permitted in the Field Round.

Time Limit

Participants will move through the course expeditiously and avoid delays.


5x, 5, 4, 3 from the center outward.

Tie breaks will be greatest number of Xs, then 5s, 4s, 3s.

If still tied, the tied competitors will receive the same Placement Score, and the next Placement Score is skipped. (For example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 6th,….)

NGB Rules Information   

National Field ArcheryAssociation

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3-D Round


3-D targets as selected and placed by the management.


Unmarked distances from 5 to 60 yards

No one is allowed to discuss distances at any time during the Qualifying Round.

Course of Fire

15 targets, one arrow per target. No Mulligans.


Field glasses are permitted. Participants may glass the target prior to shooting but may not glass the target from the shooting stake at any time (i.e. prior to, or after shooting).

Archers shoot in any position but some body part must be touching the shooting stake. e.g. foot or knee.

Time Limit

Participants will move through the course expeditiously and avoid delays. Lost arrow search is limited to 2 minutes.


IBO scoring procedures, dependent upon type of 3-D targets available.

  • +11 pts.for the 11 ring or “X” ring inside the 10 ring if present.
  • +10 pts.10 ring
  • +8 pts. 8 ring “kill zone”
  • +5 pts. Any other body shot
  • 0 Misses, glancing shots, bounce outs, not touching body color . (horns, rocks, logs, etc.) Hooves are considered bodycolor.


Ties will be broken by the highest number of 11s, then number of 10s, 8s, etc. If still tied, the tied competitors will receive the same Placement Score, and the next Placement Score is skipped. (For example: 1st, 2nd, 3rd, 3rd, 5th, 6th,….)

NGB Rules Information   


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Team Qualification

A member may qualify to serve on the team to Nationals if meeting all the following qualifications:

  1. Must be a Montana 4-H Member in good standing (Member Number Required) and must be age 14 by January 1 of the current year.


  1. Participant must intend to go to Nationals if selected. (Note: Ineligible Members, 13 year old members, or others who do not intend to go to Nationals can only participate for practice, and cannot place in this event regardless of score. Participants not intending to go, or who are ineligible, should notify the Tournament Master at the beginning of the day.)


  1. Member must show good Sportsmanship and Range Etiquette at all times.


  1. Eligible Archer must place in the top 4 based on individual placement in each event with the Lowest Total Placement Score winning as described below. (The fifth place Member may be selected as an alternate who may take the place of a Team Member who later is unable to attend.)


  1. MINIMUM QUALIFICATION: While competition is not emphasized in the 4-H Program, Members must be competent in the sport to qualify for the Team. Members can only qualify if they have a FITA score equal to or greater than 50% of the average of the top two FITAscores.

For example:

First Place Archer’s FITA score is 512. Second Place Archer’s FITA score is 485.

The average of the two top scores is 512+485=997. 997/2=498.5.

50% of 498.5 is 249.25. So Members must have a FITA score at this example of 250 or more to qualify for positions 3, 4, or 5.


  1. Archers may participate only once at the National 4-H event in any Discipline. e.g. Once in Compound and once in Olympic Recurve. (Also once in Air Rifle, once in Shotgun, etc.)

Placement Scoring

If there is a tie in any event, for example for 3rd place, there would be a 1st, a 2nd, two 3rd places, no 4th , and the next Archer would receive a 5th since that Archer is the 5th person in line of scoring. i.e. 1,2,3,3,5,6,7…..

For example:

Member “A” tied for 3rd in FITA with Member “B”, placed 4th in Field, and 5th in 3D. Therefore Member “A”’s Total Placement Score is 3+4+5=12.


Member “B” tied for 3rd in FITA with Member “A”, placed 3rd in Field, and 3th in 3D. Therefore Member “B”’s Total Placement Score is 3+3+3=9. Therefore, Member “B” places ahead of Member “A” because 9 is less than 12.


Member “C” placed 4TH in FITA, 2nd in Field, and 6th in 3D.

Therefore Member “C”’s Total Placement Score is 4+2+6=12.


This ties the Total Placement Score of Member “A”, but Member “A” placed better than Member “C” in 2 out of 3 events. (Member “A” placed better in FITA and 3D) so Member “A” places ahead of member “C” even though their Total Placement Scores are equal.


Member “D” Placed 2nd in FITA, 1st in Field, and tied for 4th in 3D.

Therefore, Member D’s Total Placement score is 2+1+4=7. Therefore, Member “D” places ahead of the other 3.


Member “E” placed 6th in FITA, 5th in Field, and tied for 4th in 3D.

Therefore, Member “E’”s Total Placement score is 6+5+4=15. Therefore, Member “E” places behind Members “A”, “B”, “C”, and “D”.


Member “F” is age 13 so “F”’s scores are not considered.

Member “G” cannot go this year because of Driver’s Education class, so “G”’s scores are not considered.

So placement is:

First Place is Member “D” with 7. Second Place is Member “B” with 9.

Third Place is Member “A” with 12 having prevailed in 2 of 3 events over Member C. Fourth place is Member “C” with 12. (see above)

Fifth place is member “E” with 15.