Over 100 years of celebrating service and leadership at Montana State University

The Day of Student Recognition has a rich history dating back to 1900 - through the years it has evolved into an annual scholarship awards ceremony to recognize students that have demonstrated exemplary qualities of leadership or shown a deep committment to the MSU and Bozeman communities.

In 2022, MSU celebrated the centenial year of this event by recognizing a record 125 students during the award ceremony. The 102nd celebration will take place on April 30th, 2025.

In the year 1900, only 7 years after Montana State College was founded, the senior men and women proceeded across campus in their caps and gowns as part of their graduation ceremony. During this processional, seniors stopped at various buildings where department heads and top students gave speeches.

In 1912, wands wrapped with blue and gold ribbon were presented to the graduating senior women who then participated in a “Wand Dance” to symbolize their departure.

In May of 1923, the campus of Montana State College witnessed its first Women’s Day. Under the direction of Una B. Herrick, the first Dean of Women, this unique Women’s Day Ceremony was established and continued as an annual tradition. During those early programs, physical education and physical fitness were emphasized, with awards going to outstanding female college athletes. At that time, the senior wand dance was incorporated into Women’s Day as the “Blue and Gold Processional”, and was performed by the “Cap and Gown Society” (formed in June 1920).

In 1927, the Cap and Gown Society became the 27th chapter of Mortar Board in the country. Mortar Board was made up of the top 5 junior women. Mortar Board's male counterpart, Septemviri, began in 1920 as well. Septemviri is Latin for Seven Men. Septemviri was awarded to the top 7 outstanding junior men, on the basis of scholarship, leadership, activities and personality. The year 2020 will mark the 100th anniversary of Mortar Board and Septemviri on the MSU campus. 

The Original Women’s Day has changed significantly over its long history. The emphasis on physical fitness and athletic achievements declined and the program evolved into a campus wide event recognizing students for their achievements in leadership, service and scholarship.

In 1977, for the first time, awards recognizing men were included with major awards for men added in 1982.

The name was changed in 1983 to the Montana State University Day of Student Recognition. 

You can see a list of the awards that you can apply for on our Awards and Application Page.

Awards are managed through multiple offices and departments - we encourage you to look through all the opportunities available!

Our next award ceremony will take place on April 30th, 2025.



Awards and Scholarships Recognized at the Day of Student Recognition Awards Ceremony

Ethelyn C. Harrison Award
Lawrence Hiller Scholarship
Earlene Hart Memorial Scholarship
Erma Lessel Junior Award
Erma Lessel Senior Award
Max Worthington Service Award
Roland R. Renne Award
Roskie Memorial Scholarship 
Una. B Herrick Award
Val G. Glynn Award
Honors College Exemplary Leadership and Service Award
Spirit Activism Award
Spirit Outstanding Student Award
Clifton Award
Montana Student Volunteer Award
Outstanding Freshman Service Award
Outstanding Junior Service Award
Outstanding Sophomore Service Award
President's Award for Gender Equity
Bobcat Family Fellows Scholarship
Christy Foundation Scholarship
Outstanding Freshman Leadership Award
Outstanding Sophomore Leadership Award
Student Organization Leader of the Year
Women's Center Student of Achievement Award
Outstanding Junior Leadership Award 
Student Organization of the Year