AY 2023-24 EHHD Internal Grant

 Would you benefit from having a faculty mentor in your field?  The College of Education, Health and Human Development will award up to $4,000 internal grants for early career faculty who would like to initiate a mentoring relationship with an expert in their field, external to MSU.       

Eligible:  TT and NTT Faculty

Rolling Deadline until funds are expended


Please submit a 1-2 page document (Word or pdf) with the following information:

  1. PI Name
  2. Potential mentor’s name and area of study.
  3. Description of how this mentoring relationship will contribute to your scholarly development. What is your reason for wanting to initiate a mentoring relationship with this individual? What are your specific goals?
  4. Budget and Budget Narrative. Funds can be spent over two years on 1) honorarium for mentor @$1,000 per year; and 2) travel for mentoring meetings.

Application information & Award conditions:

  • Deadline: rolling until funds are expended
  • Please submit your application to: Elizabeth Bird.
  • The Office of Scholarship Development and Academic Impact and EHHD Leadership Team will serve as the review committee for evaluating and prioritizing applications.
  • Awardees will attend an EHHD fiscal training before funds can be spent.
  • The deadline for expending funds will be determined at the time of the award, usually within the current or next fiscal year.  

Criteria for evaluation: 

  1. Justification for the importance of this mentoring relationship (50%)
  2. Likelihood of the project leading to scholarly productivity or other outcomes (25%)
  3. Budget clarity (25%)