University Awards

Any member of the College of EHHD community can participate in nominating individuals for awards. The EHHD Awards committee develops a list of recommended nominations each fall for University Faculty Awards and solicits nomination letters and other materials. In the case of some awards, anyone can nominate, regardless of committee recommendations. All nomination materials are due by the end of October, and awards are presented each year at the Spring Convocation celebration just prior to the start of spring semester. Some of these University awardees are selected by specific campus groups, such as the Women’s Faculty Caucus; others by the Office of the Provost. The Office of the (MSU) President also has annual and ongoing “employee recognition” programs, including 5-year milestones (Employee Recognition).  Anyone can nominate a deserving individual for a Pure Gold Award at any time during the academic year, see: Pure Gold Nominations. Administrators are also encouraged to nominate EHHD staff for University Service Excellence Awards which are presented toward the end of the spring semester.

EHHD Awards

Each mid-semester, nominations are sought for Outstanding Undergraduates and Graduate students. Student awards are determined by appropriate individuals in each academic program area. The EHHD Leadership Team provides input when needed. These awards are presented to students at a graduate celebration the day before commencement. At the end of each academic year, nominations are sought for EHHD Outstanding Faculty and Staff. Faculty and staff nominations are discussed by the Leadership Team, and final decisions are made by the appropriate Department Head or the Dean. Faculty and staff awards are presented at the annual EHHD end of year recognition lunch, usually the Monday following commencement. EHHD Homecoming Awards are presented at a celebration on the Friday of MSU Homecoming weekend. Nominations for homecoming awards are solicited at the end of the academic year. EHHD honors alums, community partners, faculty, and staff. Faculty are encouraged to seek opportunities for state or national recognition and should alert their department head and colleagues when support letters or other assistance is needed. Visit the following link to learn more about campus and professional awards: Campus & Professional Awards.

Awards Timeline

Award category

Nominations solicited by

Nominations due

Decision makers


University Awards


October 31

Provost, VPR-EDGE and other committees

Spring Convocation Ceremony, January

Outstanding Students



Program faculty, Dept Heads

EHHD Graduation Celebration, Friday before Commencement

Outstanding Faculty and Staff



EHHD Leadership Team

EHHD End of Year Recognition Celebration, Monday after Commencement

Homecoming awards


July 1

EHHD Leadership Team

Homecoming celebration, Friday of MSU Homecoming Weekend

University Service Excellence

President’s Office



Excellence in Service Celebration, April

MSU Pure Gold Awards

President’s Office



Weekly announcements and celebration at the end of each semester

External Awards



