Graduate Assistantship Checklist
This checklist is available in Word or PDF format to download, fill out, and submit as part of an application for a graduate assistantship. The document will require the following information:
Required for Department of Education Graduate Assistantships.
NAME: _________________________________________________________________
PROGRAM: _____________________________________________________________
ANTICIPATED DEGREE: _________________________________________________
Please confirm (with an ‘X’) the following:
______I am not otherwise employed in a position at Montana State University.
______I am available to work on average 19 hours/week from January 1 through May 31.
for Spring Semester or August 1 - December 31 for Fall Semester
______I agree to enroll in a minimum of 6 credits per semester.
______I have included a current resumé. or current resume is attached to application.
______I have included a letter stating my qualifications and positions of interest to me.
______I hold a teaching license from a state within the United States.
Signature: _______________________________________________________________
Date: ___________________________________________________________________