Art Bangert

Art Bangert

Associate Professor Emeritus of Education
Educational Leadership
Research & Statistics

Janis Bruwelheide

Janis Bruwelheide

Professor Emerita of Education
Library Media

Jioanna Carjuzaa

Jioanna Carjuzaa

Former Executive Director of the Center for Bilingual and Multicultural Education

Robert Carson

Robert Carson

Professor Emeritus of Education
Former Head, Department of Education
Former Director, Northern Plains Transition to Teaching
Foundations of Education

Scott Davis

Scott Davis

Associate Professor Emeritus of Technology Education

Joanne Erickson

Joanne Erickson

Associate Professor Emerita of Education
Former Head, Department of Education
Educational Leadership

David Henderson

David Henderson

Associate Professor, Educational Leadership

Joyce Herbeck

Joyce Herbeck

Associate Professor Emerita of Education
Critical Literacy
Children's and Young Adult Literature

Patricia Ingraham

Patricia Ingraham

Former Director, Field Placement & Licensure

Lynn Kelting-Gibson

Lynn Kelting-Gibson

Associate Professor Emerita of Education

Marilyn Lockhart

Marilyn Lockhart

Professor Emerita of Education
Adult & Higher Education
Former Director, MSU Center for Facutly Excellence

Priscilla Lund

Priscilla Lund

Associate Professor Emerita of Education
Curriculum & Instruction
Art Education

Cyndi Meldahl

Cyndi Meldahl

Former Director, Advising Center

Michael Redburn

Michael Redburn

Associate Professor
Educational Leadership


Elisabeth Swanson

Elisabeth Swanson

Associate Professor Emerita of Education
Curriculum & Instruction
Science Education


Tena Versland

Tena Versland

Associate Professor
Educational Leadership