KraghDegrees Held:

Bachelor of Science in Geology, Montana State University (Graduated 2017)

Degree Sought:

M.S. in Earth Sciences


Dr. Madison Myers

Research Project:

Updating and Assessing the Accuracy of the Geologic Maps of Yellowstone National Park

Yellowstone National Park’s geology has been repeatedly mapped over the last century by many different geologists with varying perspectives and mapping goals. These efforts have resulted in a patchwork of different scale maps across the park that do not agree along their shared boundaries, either in geologic contacts or unit identification. This project aims to assess these disagreements and determine if they can be simply fixed via a small amount of field work or if there are more extensive mapping problems in the area that need to be addressed by future mapping efforts. Ultimately, the results of this research will inform the National Parks Service, the USGS, and the Yellowstone Volcano Observatory on the current state of geologic maps in the park and make suggestions on how to move forward to develop an updated, consistent, and accurate map of Yellowstone’s geology.

Preferred Email Address: 

Research and Professional Experience:

Master's Research

    • Advisor: Madison Myers, “Updating and Assessing the Accuracy of the Geologic Maps of Yellowstone National Park” (2020-Present)

Contracted Field Geologist

    •  Wyoming State Geological Survey (2017-2020)

Undergraduate Research

    •  Advisor: Dr. Jean Dixon, “Radiogenic isotope delivery to Earth’s surface via precipitation in the Rocky Mountains” (2016-2017)
    • Advisor: Dr. David Mogk, “Bulk vs. surficial properties of sulfide minerals using electron dispersive spectroscopy and Auger electron spectroscopy” (2017)
    •  Advisor: Dr. Karen Williams, “GIS-based movement analysis of the Sunken Forest Landslide in southwestern Montana” (2016)
    • Advisor: Dr. Jean Dixon, “Lacustrine carbonate production spanning the Pleistocene in Yellowstone National Park” (2015)
    • Advisor: Dr. David Mogk, “Mineralogical analysis for the future Black Butte Copper Mine in White Sulphur Springs, MT” (2015)

Publications and Presentations:

  • Loveland, A., Kragh, N. A., and Rodgers, J., in press, Basement Map of the State of Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report TBA, scale 1:500,000.
  • Lynds, R.M., Webber, P.M., Kragh, N.A., Martin, T.I., Hoppes, K.L., and Taboga, K.G., 2020, Preliminary geologic map of the Earnest Butte quadrangle, Sweetwater County, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 2020-2, 15 p., scale 1:24,000.
  • Sutherland, W.M., and Kragh, N. A., 2018, Preliminary geologic map of the Albany quadrangle, Albany County, Wyoming: Wyoming State Geological Survey Open File Report 2018-1, 45 p., 1 pl., scale 1:24,000.

Honors and Awards:

  • UW-NPS Small Grants Recipient (2021)
  • Undergraduate Scholars Program Grant Recipient (2015, 2016, 2017)