Jacob GardnerDegree Held:

B.Sc. Earth Sciences: Paleontology Option, Montana State University

Degree Sought:

Ph.D. Earth Sciences


Drs. Chris Organ and David Varricchio

Research Project:

How sexual selection shapes human evolution

Preferred Email Address:





6. Zhang, Ming*, Yichen Liu*, Zhipeng Li*, Peng Lu*, Jacob D. Gardner*, … [18 authors] …, E. Andrew Bennett, Songmei Hu, and Qiaomei Fu. 2021. Ancient DNA reveals the maternal genetic history of East Asian domestic pigs. Journal of Genetics and Genomics. DOI: 10.1016/j.jgg.2021.11.014

5. Wang, Wenjun*, Manyu Ding*, Jacob D. Gardner*, Yongqiang Wang*, … [25 authors] …, Vikas Kumar, and Qiaomei Fu. 2021. Ancient Xinjiang Mitogenomes Reveal Intense Admixture with High Genetic Diversity. Science Advances. 

4. Gardner, Jacob D., and Chris L. Organ. 2021. Evolutionary Sample Size and Consilience in Phylogenetic Comparative Analysis. Systematic Biology.

3. Gardner, Jacob D., Michel Laurin, and Chris L. Organ. 2020. The Relationship Between Metabolic Rate and Genome Size in Extant Vertebrates. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society B, 375(1793): 20190146.

2. Gardner, Jacob D.*, Kevin Surya*, and Chris L. Organ. 2019. Early Tetrapodomorph Biogeography: Controlling for Fossil Record Bias in Macroevolutionary Analyses. Comptes Rendus Palevol, 18(7): 609-709.

1. Wilson, John P., D. Cary Woodruff, Jacob D. Gardner, Holley M. Flora, John R. Horner, Chris L. Organ. 2016. Vertebral Adaptations to Large Body Size in Theropod Dinosaurs. PLoS ONE, 11(7): e0158962.

* Authors contributed equally


Selected Awards, Grants, and Honors:

  • University of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, Scholarship for International Students (2019)
  • Dinosaur Research Institute, Student Project Grant (2017)
  • National Science Foundation, East Asia & Pacific Summer Institutes Fellowship (2017)
  • MSU Earth Sciences, Donald L. Smith Memorial Graduate Scholarship (2016)
  • Paleontological Society, Student Ambassador (2015)
  • Smithsonian National Museum of Natural History, Research Internship (2014)


Digging up dinosaurs in the Hell Creek Formation, eastern Montana

Digging up dinosaurs in the Hell Creek Formation, eastern Montana


Searching for insect fossils in the Kishenehn Formation, northwestern Montana

Searching for insect fossils in the Kishenehn Formation, northwestern Montana


Measuring dinosaur fossils at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing, China

Measuring dinosaur fossils at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology in Beijing, China